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Below is our effort to figure out the meaning behind the list of connections.

(Some messages may be lost due to bot failure. Some of these messages were replies to users. Those replies, in most cases, were lost. Also, messages in bold represent important messages to the solving of the list.)

Project 11 joined the discord chat and messaged this hint:

This gun is useful in emergency situations, it helps me think more clearly and enter this world with less fear.

This new world is beautiful, but it can also be very punishing.

Project 11:

I wouldn't want to exaggerate it, but this new world could possibly cost me the sanity of my life.

Project 11:

Do not worry, this gun brings me safety, as of now, I do not need it, this world is amazing, it is just an emergency tool.

Project 11:

Do not worry, if things go south, I will not kill myself, the purpose of this gun is simply to bring me safety.

Project 11:

@TwitchyCake You cannot die in the Astral, but it is a world that could scar you for life.

Project 11:

@Azakeen And yes, I do believe it will be something you are all hoping for.

Project 11:

But first, in dangerous cases, before using this gun, I shall talk it out, it is always the best way, especially in the Astral World, the gun brings fear, fear is very bad in the Astral.

Project 11:

Astral Projections does sound very similar to Lucid Dreams.
Except that the Astral Plane seems to be actually a thing, I had this idea, my partner and I now believe in it, I have experienced it, this is why this project exists, if the dates merge, this game's release date shall be true and so will the Astral Plane.

Project 11:

We really hope that all of this isn't in vain, but I have experienced it, and so did my partner, and if the sayings are true, we know that it is going to work, from here, we just need the dates.

Project 11:

@Equinox Yes, you have the resources into finding the relation, though for World of Warcraft and Xi, it is fairly far fetched, I do believe you already have figured out the relation.

Some users wondered what all this information meant and what our goal could be. Project 11 said:

The proof of the Astral Plane is just an extra bonus, we are focusing on the dates.

A user asked Project 11 if he could be

No, we will not take disciples, I am conducting this project with people that only I trust, and that means protecting ourselves too. Sorry.

Project 11:

As I said much earlier, consider the link a bonus round. [June 9th]

Project 11:

In AP, as long as you don't feel fear, there is no darkness.

Project 11:

As long as you don’t want it to hurt you,it cannot

Project 11:

The astral is believed to be a real place if we believe quantum physics

Project 11:

Read up on Astral projection and read up on quantum Physics and you may find that the’ve got much more in common than you’d think

Project 11:

Prehaps you’ll need to Astral project for yourself in order to feel the same motivation i am right now to finish this project

Project 11:

SP and AP is not required that is our doing the dates are still coming 

Project 11:

As of right now, there is nothing to update,next daily update will be tomorrow, as for the link, it is pretty much under your nose


How to bb gun?

Project 11

@Epsilon Whenever the situation requires, all I shall do, is create an astral duplicate of my BB gun.

Project 11:

Knowledge is infinite in the Astral.
One simple project.

We both ask the higher universe "When?"

We compare.

And it will be glorious.

Project 11:

If you consider the announcement of a game breaking the internet the apocalypse then i’d say yes, it's the apocalypse 


It's like if an intelligence agency wanted to gather data on an enemy nation. Instead of trying to infiltrate a base or gather info, like fans around the world are trying to do, they can enter the astral plane, and gather the info via a second realm.

Project 11:

@Equinox is onto something here.

Project 11:

AP and (lucid) dreaming are two different things.

Project 11:

Well, infiltrating towards a location would still be rather hard in AP, as I said, all we have to ask is "When?" and it shall be fulfilled.

Project 11:

The technique is indeed pretty similar, but the result is entirely different.

Project 11:

My partner is part of the project, we will not invade anyone's consciousness.

Project 11:

We enter SP, we project, we retrieve a date, we compare, if it is the same, that means that in this timeline of this universe, the date we retrieved is the correct one.

Project 11:

Ah yes...the rope method, it didn't work out for me sadly...

Project 11:

Our objective

We retrieve a date each on our own astral projection by asking the same question

Project 11:

If the dates match, what do you think it means?

The Astral Plane is simply just that, a plane.

We live in the physical one.

The Astral Plane and the planes above it has infinite knowledge

Time does not exist

Which is why we can conduct this project.

Project 11:

I do not believe I am going to be a Valve employee, maybe in another timeline in this universe, I am a Valve employee, but it does not matter, because i've chosen this path.

The path towards enlightenment

The path where the choices you make do not matter.

Because it is already out there


Project 11:

Maybe because you are understanding.

Maybe because you have already seen it in a past life.

Project 11:

The dates will be retrieved 

They shall match.

And this world will be changed.

Project 11:

Chaos might ensue.

But it will be for the better of the gaming community.


Using a plane of infinite knowledge to figure out information on a fucking video game. Gamers at their finest?

Project 11:

@Trialtrex21 That is the thing, we are ordinary fellows, just like you, but then destiny caught us, we learned about Astral Projection and we had this idea.

Project 11:

Perhaps, and that will be mind blowing

Project 11:

Someone, or a group of people out there, already know the truth, and maybe they've hidden it from the world, or maybe they revealed it but nobody cared.

Project 11:

If I went the classic way of revealing this date

Project 11:

Absolutely no one would believe me

Project 11:

And even then I highly doubt anyone will believe me

Project 11:

But that is fine.

Project 11:

Sadly, as I said before, I can not give you proof at all, that would mean someone else witnessing, which would mean that we would reveal ourselves to this world.

Project 11:

Even if I say screencapped the evidence, it wouldn't matter because we could've acted it out.

Project 11:

@samme This shouldn't happen, as time does not exist in the Astral, it takes account for this.

Project 11:

Anyways, I shall tell more later.

Project 11:

We did this ARG so that at least a handful of people could believe us, in the end if it works, it will not matter, it'll require just one person to realize that we were right, and at this time, i'll be long gone, we and you will be marked in history for this!

Project 11:

Yes, but that's okay because I and my partner will already believe in it, because we experienced it firsthand.


First I want to ask though... P11, what is the reward for the bonus connections? Is it the name? A proof to process?

Project 11:

@Equinox An extra puzzle piece for understanding our plan.

Project 11:

The final puzzle comes when we retrieved the dates


The answer is projection

Project 11:

@Equinox Projection...yes.

Project 11:

It will be crucial to the end game.

Project 11:

It protects me while I astral project.


But... Town of Salem... or World of Warcraft?

Project 11:

As I said, those are farfetched.

Project 11:

We have yet to retrieve the dates, I really wish we started astral projecting earlier or starting this ARG sooner, as this ARG would've had a conclusion much earlier on.


But tell me Project 11, what DID projection have to do with WoW? And Town of Salem? And XI?

Project 11:

Well, WoW being the fact that you can get out of your body, you are on the etheral plane when you die, Town of Salem because there is a role that can speak to the dead, the people residing in the astral plane, and Xi being that Greeks astral projected fairly often.

Project 11:

I'll be honest, we were prepared for this project, but far less prepared for this ARG

Project 11:

Most of it was improvised and it came along rather well.

Your end game awaits, soon…

Project 11:

I made the math


Project 11:

If this project is somehow successful, but that the date is incorrect

That means that we fell into the probability of 0.00000025% of Astral Projection not being a thing.


What does that even mean?

Project 11:


We, all of us, for this game can estimate within how many years it's likely to be release

Say 5 years

1825 days approx


=~ 0.0005%

^ This is the chance for the date being wrong.

Square it to account for my partner

Project 11

You get 0.00000025%


Are these steps we will need to solve the actual dates?

Project 11:

No this is just basic math for us right now.

Project 11:

Three things can happen.

Project 11:

1. This project fails, the dates do not merge and they are inconclusive (Fairly unlikely)

2. This project is successful, the dates merge. We are within the 99.99999975% chance that it is correct.

3. The project is successful, the dates merge, but sadly a coincidence happens, we fall into the 0.00000025%


So 3. is just what happens if we fall into the trap that 2. is

So, if you are succesful there is a .00000025% chance that you are wrong.

Project 11:



What does it mean for a date to merge?

Be identical?

Project 11:


Project 11:

We each project independently.

We ask the higher universe: "When?"

We retrieve a date from this.

We come back, we connect, we do a countdown, and we write the date at the same time.

Project 11:

There is no way we could've known each other's date

Project 11:

If the dates are the same, that means that the Astral Plane is indeed a real place and if we believe the sayings there, that means that the date should be correct.

Project 11:

It is in the end a very simple plan.


So you're not sharing dates until you both have them ready

Project 11:

@JohnDangle Exactly.


So when both Step 3's are highlighted, that is when you have the date.

Project 11:

@Equinox Yes, from there, we'll start the end game.

Project 11:

There should be a margin of error of a day.

Project 11:

The day should be exact

Project 11:

If the day, month and year are exact, this is for real.

Project 11:

At least, 99.99999975% confirmed that it is the true date.

This is the problem of this project

Project 11:

We are aware of the risks

Project 11:

We do not know if it works.

But too many people report back on this.

Project 11:

Destiny caught us, we had this idea.

We had to try it.

Project 11:

In the end, it will not matter how you may think about me.

Project 11:

It'll require only one people.

Project 11:

I shall come back tomorrow for the daily progress update, goodnight.

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