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(Robot 1:4)
(Statue/Twitter/Goblin 2:3)
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'''SOLUTION:'''  [https://twitter.com/MontecryptoGame/status/964464404598272000 reprodukcja] - Translates to <code>reproduction</code> (Polish).  Obtained by:  Hidden text on bottom right word of twitter image that matches the Goblin statue pose. This is a working theory, but a good one.
'''SOLUTION:'''  [https://twitter.com/MontecryptoGame/status/964464404598272000 2 reprodukcja] - Translates to <code>reproduction</code> (Polish).  Obtained by:  Hidden text on bottom right word of twitter image that matches the Goblin statue pose. This is a working theory, but a good one.
==== Frog/Jump/Pillars 4:3 ====
==== Frog/Jump/Pillars 4:3 ====

Revision as of 15:28, 22 February 2018

MonteCrypto - The Bitcoin Enigma
Active since 2018-02-20
24 enigmas leading to a prize of 1 BTC.
Type [[List_of_Investigations#Official|Official]]
Creator Gem Rose Accent
Discovered 2018-02-20

Main Page > List of Investigations > MonteCrypto - The Bitcoin Enigma

MonteCrypto is an atmospheric steampunk puzzle game developed by Gem Rose Accent available through Steam. It consists of 24 "mind-bending enigmas" which it challenges players to solve. The first player to solve all 24 puzzles is to be awarded 1 Bitcoin. To reinforce this reward claim, Gem Rose Accent has revealed their public wallet address, so that the funds can be verified. The true identity of the development team behind MonteCrypto is unknown, but will be revealed once the prize has been claimed.

Each puzzle, or "enigma", is solved by completing a certain task in order to obtain a keyword. Once all 24 keywords are collected, the bitcoin can be obtained.



Below is a map of the maze. Yellow dots represent known compass locations, green dots represent known skull locations, and colored lines represent known paths to rooms.

Mc map v5.jpg

Currently, 23/24 are known of, 21/24 rooms have known directions, and 11/24 have known solutions.

Skipping the Timer

Either teleport away using X Y Z, or:

  1. Do the Y hack (get the Y coordinate address)
  2. Go to the spawn roof
  3. Go inside the window box
  4. Set Y to 2500
  5. Fall down to the labyrinth

Cheat Engine/Noclip

Cheat Engine can be used to navigate the maze. Using Cheat Engine, do the following:

  1. Be on the lowest point of the lobby, do 'first scan' values between -280 and -240, value type 'float'.
  2. Go to the highest point of the lobby, do 'next scan' value bigger than 100 (float for all values).
  3. Go back to the lowest point, do 'next scan' value smaller than -200.
  4. Repeat step 2. And 3. until you have 1-50 addresses in the list, ctrl + A to select them all then press the small red button to move them to the bottom window.

Do ctrl + A to select all in the bottom window, press enter and set the value to, for example, 1000 and you should be on top of the lobby room. After that you can change the addresses one by one to find the correct one or just keep changing all of them like you just did.

Obtaining the Bitcoin

The wallet.dat file can be decrypted by using the following steps:

  1. Download the Bitcoin Core client from an OFFICIAL source
  2. Close the client if it’s already open.
  3. Find your wallet.dat that was created by default. You won’t need this file.
  4. Delete the original wallet.dat, located here: C:\Users\YourUserName\Appdata\Roaming\Bitcoin\wallet.dat
  5. Take the wallet.dat from the game files (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MonteCrypto\CryptoChallenge\Content\CryptoChallenge\Datamaps\wallet.dat) and paste it into the location of the old wallet.dat.
  6. Open Bitcoin Core client.
  7. Enter in the 24 word password to decrypt the wallet.
  8. Run “dumpprivkey 19mb9mZ1w953zBd7viHwWK2ZhPmcbMQh4Q” to get the private key without downloading the entire blockchain.
  9. Import that private key into something like Coinomi or another wallet.


Rooms below are labeled according to their coordinate position on the map.

DIRECTION KEY: Left/Right = Choice of two options | First Left/Right = Immediate or in middle of corridor | D = Door which is passed through | (D) = Door which passed but not gone through

Note that the routes listed here are not necessarily the fastest routes through the maze.


Desk/Corridor 1:2

Desk/Corridor room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting inside Epilepsy room, facing out. Turn right (you'll pass two doors), then Right, Left 2x, Right, Left.


A very very long time ago, Rai had left me an important message...
I must have kept a note of it, but where?


SOLUTION: 5 persamaan - Translates to equation as in equivalency (Indonesian.) Obtained by: The twelfth commit on GitHub added <img date='a very very long time ago' title='confidential' clue='5 persamaan' height='100%' width='50%'/>.

Robot 1:4

Robot room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting in Meditation room with back to door. Left 2x, Right 2x, Left, Right 2x, Second Right, Right, Left 2x, Right.


What are you
Kill me
I want seven
Turn over
Console me
Open it
Be polite
Sing for me
Give me the answer


SOLUTION: 5 velte - Translates to overturn (Norwegian) - Obtained by: The room creates 10 .sav files in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\CryptoChallenge\Saved\SaveGames, solved using the following steps:

What are you       - whatareyou.sav  - create imhuman.sav
Kill me            - imamonster.sav  - delete imamonster.sav
I want seven       - baby1.sav       - create baby2->7.sav
Turn over          - crepe.sav       - rename to eperc.sav
Console me         - dontworry.sav   - create behappy.sav
Open it            - lockedchest.sav - create key.sav | game creates openchest.sav
Why                - why.sav         - create because.sav
Be polite          - thankyou.sav    - create youarewelcome.sav
Sing for me        - brokenheart.sav - create heart.sav
Give me the answer - answer.sav      - create 42.sav

Statue/Twitter/Goblin 2:3

Statue/Twitter room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Follow the purple paint.


Finding the good one amongst the liars,
To be left alone that's what he desires;
The final answer is hidden in plain sight,
With the help of the bird it should be alright.


SOLUTION: 2 reprodukcja - Translates to reproduction (Polish). Obtained by: Hidden text on bottom right word of twitter image that matches the Goblin statue pose. This is a working theory, but a good one.

Frog/Jump/Pillars 4:3

Frog/Jump room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Follow the blue paint.


Like frogs from nenuphars,
jump from rock to rock.
If fall you do, find the stairs and start over.
Soon enough the secret will be yours.


SOLUTION: construct - Translates to construct (Engligh). Obtained by: Rock jumping puzzle. Literally jump on the rocks.

Server/Computer 5:3

Server/Computer room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Follow the blue paint. Then, break off and follow the papers on the ground. Take a right at the pink light, and you will have arrived.


No one is as deaf as the one who will not listen.
Sometimes, order comes from chaos.
The servers are waiting to be activated.


SOLUTION: istisna - Translates to exception (Azerbaijani). Obtained by: Order the talking computers to say the phrase: “I uploaded myself in the maze's computer. The circuits are my veins and the power is my blood."

Harry Potter/9&3/4 2:4

Harry Potter room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Start at yellow paint, then pass through Pi stairs. Follow paper trails directly to room.


Just like platform 9 3/4,
Towards the door go forth;
Physical illusions,
everywhere in this maze;
Don't let yourself be fooled,
you will be amazed.


SOLUTION: optree - Translates to act (Afrikaans). Obtained by: Image on the achievement that reads “This specific wall.

Pi/Stairs 3:4

Pi/Stairs room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Follow the yellow paint.


Transcendental yet widely used,
On March 14th it gets amused.
Add an E an you can eat it
Keep it in mind, later you will need it.


SOLUTION: prevoditi - Translates to translate (Croatian). Obtained by: Scanning QR code found at the top of stairs.

Blue 4:4

Blue room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Follow the yellow paint, then break off and follow the papers.


Find your path amongst the invisible forces.
Once the red is reached, the goal is almost accomplished.
One that would need additional clues for this one should reconsider actually winning the prize.


SOLUTION: novo - Translates to new (). Obtained by: Audio sped up from blue room that plays after standing on the red rectangle.

Meditation/Who Am I? 1:5

Meditation/Who Am I room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting at Routine room, facing out. Right, Left, D 2x, Right 3x, Door (take right immediately), D 2x, Left 2x, Right, D, Right.


Meditation, or the art of looking into oneself for guidance, helps us find the answers.


SOLUTION: Solution is your own SteamID64, obtainable here.

Binary/Window 3:5

Binary/Window room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: From the Pi exit stairs, take a left-hand. Then Right, Left, Right 3x, Left 2x, Right 2x, Left 2x, Right.


When back against the wall,
What seems like an obstacle,
Could very well be passable.


SOLUTION: ukungqubuzana - Translates to conflict (Zulu). Obtained by: Binary behind the window translated to ASCII.

Bedroom 4:5

Bedroom Enigma



4 bakar
Several suns are shinning,
TEN of which are dying.
As our universe continues to expand,
You are here trying to understand.
Sent to us from an unknown entity,
Terrorising our friends and families
In TEN MINUTES he burnt our symphony;
La-Mar, the one and only,
Lurking in the sky and our city.


SOLUTION: bakar - Translates to burn (Indonesian). Obtained by: You must stay completely still in the room for 10 minutes.


Red & Blue/Epilepsy 1:1

Epilepsy room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting at exit to Outside room, Left (green carpet turns to red & door), Left 2x, Right.


If bearable it is;
Then go through it we must;
No help from our peers;
With time we slowly adjust;
Once the whole room has been visited,
The miracle code will be exhibited.



Outside/Boulder/Jungle 2:1

Outside/Boulder/Jungle room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting inside Skull room, facing out. Take immediate Right (pass door on left), then take Third Left (first left being the door you first passed), then Left, Right, Left 3x (last is away from a door), Right 2x, Left 4x (through lots of doors).


Y is the sluggish in the sea;
Try and try again;
When and where the least expected;



White Glass 3:1

White Glass room Enigma



In the race for success,
speed is less important than stamina.



Loud Sky/Invisible Stairs 4:1

Loud Sky/Invisible Stairs room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting with Fairy enigma at your back, walk straight towards and through the door. Then, Second Right, D, Left.


I was too blind to see what you were too deaf to hear



Fairy/Wisp/Book 5:1

Fairy/Wisp/Book room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting with back to Four Door Hall, turn right, away from the door. Then, Right, Left (pass two doors), Right, Second Right, Right 3x, Left, Right, Left 2x, Right, Left 3x.


What was this strange creature?
I spent some time observing it but I kept losing sight of it... If only I could spend more time observing it...



Wooden Pits 2:2

Wooden Pits room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting in Epilepsy room, take a Right, then pass two doors, then Left, Right 2x, D, Right 4x, Left.


Even Luther Cary, my old friend, couldn't compete (and he held the record!). Try it yourself. But don't miss a turn.

CLUES: Words in the bottom of each pit, (b) = blocked: 12 fetchu 9 bonno 1 laisu 4 error 1 eespa 8 perro (b) 9 ugula 5 ibnosk 8 tuemes (b) 1 obkent 7 wurst (b) 7 biscoin (b) 1 degou (b) 4 loge


Skulls/Numbers 3:2

Skulls/Numbers room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Follow the blue paint, then break off and follow the papers on the ground to the Server room. Take a left a the pink light/finger, then Right 2x, Right-hand, Left then Right 4x, Left.


When their time come,
The dead will answer;
Letters, Number,
Letters & Numbers,
Entered without feedback.



Four Doors 4:2

Four Doors room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting in Skulls room, face out, then take immediate Right. Reachable by sticking to the right corner post in the Skulls room. Then, Third left, First Right, First Left.


Infinity is a prison;
Answers come clear to those who listen;
Outside the box is where the cat lies;
One sequence, and out he flies.



Parlor/Stairs 5:2

Parlor/Stairs room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting at Loud Sky room, move right (everything straight is a dead end). D 2x, Right 3x, Left, D 2x, Left, D, (D), D, Left, Right, Left 3x, Right, D, Right 2x, Left (room changes), Left 2x, Right, Left.


This manor isn't a safe place to be alone;
Paths unlock when people come together;
Only through shared efforts will you get closer
To shed the light on the unknown



Unknown 1:3

Unknown room Enigma



Honesty is for the most parts less profitable than dishonesty.



Machines/Candles 5:4

Machines/Candles room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Start in Blue room, facing the door. Take a right just before the door, then Right-hand, then Right.


Spirited machines ought to exist
Those who are correctly equipped
Can follow them as they communicate
At last are rewarded those who waiting



Routine/Computer 2:5

Routine/Computer room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Start in Blue room, facing the door. Take a right just before the door, then Left-hand, D 3x, Left 5x, Right, D, Right, D 4x, Right, D 2x, Right 3x, Left, Right 2x, D 2x, Right, D 2x, Left, Right, D 3x, First Left, Right, First Left, Third Right, Left 2x, Right 2x, D, Right, D, Right, Left 2x.


Everyday, the same routine...
Accuracy is what matters at the end of the day.



Lake/Waves 5:5

Lake/Waves room Enigma

DIRECTIONS: Starting with back against Machine/Candles cave. Take First Left, Right 2x, Left, Right 3x, Left, Right, Left 2x, Right.


I remember it was a code...
Yes that's it: "lake-waves..."
Was it in German?
Or Chinese?
Not sure, I can't seem to remember.



This page is a work in progress - if you have information you think should be added, please contact a Wiki Editor in the Game Detectives Discord.