Dawn Bloom/Personnel & Organisations/Faunus 2 Expedition

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Main Page > List of Investigations > Dawn Bloom > Personnel & Organisations > Faunus 2 Expedition> Personnel & Organisations > Faunus 2 Expedition


The signals we have received over the past months have been sent by a team that originates from another 'world'. During the latest transmission, their navigator told us that they are residing in the 'Descent Zone' which is some sort of mirror world.

The Team

We know of 4 members of their team:

  • Captain Zhang/Zang
  • Noah Vance, Navigator
  • Randall Churchill, Engineer
  • Jonathan C. Kendrick

The agency knows some information on Kendrick, but none on the others:

  • Likely to be the 'Survivalist' mentioned in the SSTV signals. not much is known aside from the information we got on him, from the the poltate-expedition tumblr
  • Based on info retrieved from Liaison, US Army Rangers, a group that Kendrick was serving in, were present at Montauk Base when it was active leading to the possibility that Kendrick was present at the base during his time in the Rangers.