From Game Detectives Wiki
Pages using the property "ArgPopupContent"
Showing 112 pages using this property.
7 | |
76543 + | <p id="76543-popup"><span id="76543imagePlaceholder">Image:NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: Unknown<br>Discovered on: 16 March 2016<br><br>A rabbit hole of puzzles across the GameDetectives community.</p> + |
A | |
ARGvent + | <p id="ARGvent-popup"><span id="ARGventimagePlaceholder">File:Argvent_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://wiki.gamedetectives.net/index.php?title=Meta:Staff Game Detectives Admins]<br>Discovered on: 1 December 2016<br><br>Let it snow puzzles!</p> + |
Accounting+ ARG + | <p id="Accounting+ ARG-popup"><span id="Accounting+ ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Accounting+_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://crowscrowscrows.com/ Crows Crows Crows]<br>Discovered on: 7 December 2017<br><br>The Accounting+ ARG centers around a tadpole conspiracy.</p> + |
Adult Swim ARG + | <p id="Adult Swim ARG-popup"><span id="Adult Swim ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Adult-swim.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://www.adultswim.com/ Adult Swim]<br>Discovered on: 27 August 2017<br><br>A series of ARG seasons aired during Adult Swim programming on US basic cable channel Cartoon Network</p> + |
Afterbirth ARG + | <p id="Afterbirth ARG-popup"><span id="Afterbirth ARGimagePlaceholder">File:AB_logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://bindingofisaac.com/ Edmund McMullen]<br>Discovered on: 30 October 2015<br><br>An ARG hidden in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth expansion</p> + |
Afterbirth+ ARG + | <p id="Afterbirth+ ARG-popup"><span id="Afterbirth+ ARGimagePlaceholder">File:AB+_logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Closed'''<br>Created By: Edmund McMullen<br>Discovered on: 2 July 2017<br><br>An ARG hidden in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ expansion</p> + |
April Fools + | <p id="April Fools-popup"><span id="April FoolsimagePlaceholder">File:April_Fools_icon.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://wiki.gamedetectives.net/index.php?title=Meta:Staff Game Detectives Admins]<br>Discovered on: 1 April 2016<br><br>A funny joke, it's just a prank.</p> + |
Arc Symphony + | <p id="Arc Symphony-popup"><span id="Arc SymphonyimagePlaceholder">File:Arc Symphony cover.gif</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: [https://aetherinteractive.itch.io/ Aether Interactive]<br>Discovered on: 13 May 2017<br><br>Arc Symphony was a PS1 game by Aether Interactive that has suddenly popped up in 2017.</p> + |
Argbox + | <p id="Argbox-popup"><span id="ArgboximagePlaceholder">File:NewExample3.png, Image:NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [[Valve]]<br>Discovered on: 31 January 1970<br><br>This it the description of an arg, I somehow forgot about it</p> + |
Argbox/doc + | <p id="Argbox-popup"><span id="ArgboximagePlaceholder">File:NewExample3.png, Image:NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [[Valve]]<br>Discovered on: 31 January 1970<br><br>This it the description of an arg, I somehow forgot about it</p> + |
AutoArgbox + | <p id="AutoArgbox-popup"><span id="AutoArgboxdefaultImagePlaceholder">Special:Filepath/NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: ''''''<br>Created By: <br>Discovered on: <br><br></p> + |
AutoArgbox/doc + | <p id="AutoArgbox-popup"><span id="AutoArgboxdefaultImagePlaceholder">Special:Filepath/NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: ''''''<br>Created By: <br>Discovered on: <br><br></p> + |
B | |
Banojxot Xuh + | <p id="Banojxot Xuh-popup"><span id="Banojxot XuhimagePlaceholder">File:BXPhoto.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: Unknown<br>Discovered on: 13 May 2017<br><br>15-6-17</p> + |
Battlefield 1 + | <p id="Battlefield 1-popup"><span id="Battlefield 1imagePlaceholder">File:Bf1 An Omen.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.dice.se/ DICE]<br>Discovered on: 14 February 2017<br><br>The Battlefield 1 ARG - <br> Headphones and Morse code led to mysterious unlockable dog tags.</p> + |
Battlefield 1/Balloon House + | <p id="Battlefield 1-popup"><span id="Battlefield 1imagePlaceholder">File:Bf1 An Omen.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.dice.se/ DICE]<br>Discovered on: 14 February 2017<br><br>The Battlefield 1 ARG - <br> Headphones and Morse code led to mysterious unlockable dog tags.</p> + |
Battlefield 1/Megalodon + | <p id="Battlefield 1-popup"><span id="Battlefield 1imagePlaceholder">File:Bf1 An Omen.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.dice.se/ DICE]<br>Discovered on: 14 February 2017<br><br>The Battlefield 1 ARG - <br> Headphones and Morse code led to mysterious unlockable dog tags.</p> + |
Black Mesa + | <p id="Black Mesa-popup"><span id="Black MesaimagePlaceholder">File:Black_Mesa.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: SometimesIDreamOfCheese<br>Discovered on: 11 April 2016<br><br>An ARG set in the Half-Life universe.</p> + |
Blacksite + | <p id="Blacksite-popup"><span id="BlacksiteimagePlaceholder">Image:Blacksite.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.valvesoftware.com Valve]<br>Discovered on: 9 December 2018<br><br>Following the Danger Zone update, a secret was found within the Blacksite.</p> + |
Blood For Trade + | <p id="Blood For Trade-popup"><span id="Blood For TradeimagePlaceholder">Image:NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 12 December 2019<br><br>https://www.bloodfortrade.com/</p> + |
Bradwell Electronics + | <p id="Bradwell Electronics-popup"><span id="Bradwell ElectronicsimagePlaceholder">File:Bradwell Logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [http://www.bossastudios.com/ Bossa Studios]<br>Discovered on: 5 March 2017<br><br>Better. Brighter. For everyone.</p> + |
C | |
Call of Duty: WWII + | <p id="Call of Duty: WWII-popup"><span id="Call of Duty: WWIIimagePlaceholder">File:CallofDutyWW2.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: [https://www.sledgehammergames.com/ Sledgehammer Games]<br>Discovered on: 27 April 2017<br><br>A little trail in a promotional image might lead to something wonderful...</p> + |
Chrono.gg ARG + | <p id="Chrono.gg ARG-popup"><span id="Chrono.gg ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Chrono logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://chrono.gg/ Chrono.gg]<br>Discovered on: 5 March 2017<br><br>The Chrono.gg ARG involved a bunch of coin-related puzzles spread across various sites.</p> + |
Corporate Warfare + | <p id="Corporate Warfare-popup"><span id="Corporate WarfareimagePlaceholder">File:Neuroslicers logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: [https://www.neuroslicers.game/ NeuroSlicers]<br>Discovered on: 27 April 2018<br><br>An ARG based around factions of the game NeuroSlicers.</p> + |
Corvus + | <p id="Corvus-popup"><span id="CorvusimagePlaceholder">File:Corvus.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: Unknown<br>Discovered on: 1 January 2017<br><br>It's stars, you fools.</p> + |
Cyberpunk 2077 + | <p id="Cyberpunk 2077-popup"><span id="Cyberpunk 2077imagePlaceholder">Image:CP2077.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [http://en.cdprojektred.com/ CD PROJEKT RED]<br>Discovered on: 10 June 2018<br><br>A hacker at E3 2018 exposed a live website linked to upcoming release Cyberpunk 2077.</p> + |
Cyrano Story + | <p id="Cyrano Story-popup"><span id="Cyrano StoryimagePlaceholder">File: CyranoLogo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 5 October 2019<br><br>An ARG created around the game Moons of Madness.</p> + |
D | |
Dawn Bloom + | <p id="Dawn Bloom-popup"><span id="Dawn BloomimagePlaceholder">File:dawn_bloom_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 24 December 2016<br><br>The Dawn Bloom ARG is part of the Black Watchmen series of ARGs.</p> + |
Definitely Not Rick and Morty + | <p id="Definitely Not Rick and Morty-popup"><span id="Definitely Not Rick and MortyimagePlaceholder">File:RhickAndMhorty.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: Definitely Not Dan Harmon<br>Discovered on: 3 April 2017<br><br>The Definitely Not Rick and Morty ARG centered around fleaBay auctions for Szechuan Dipping Szauce Packets'''(100% to Habitat for Humanity, eBay verified)'''.</p> + |
Dr. Langeskov ARG + | <p id="Dr. Langeskov ARG-popup"><span id="Dr. Langeskov ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Langeskov Logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://crowscrowscrows.com Crows Crows Crows]<br>Discovered on: 19 October 2015<br><br>An ARG that led to the release of Dr. Langeskov, the Tiger, and the Terribly Cursed Emerald</p> + |
E | |
EFS + | <p id="EFS-popup"><span id="EFSimagePlaceholder">File:EFS_icon.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [[gayfarang]]<br>Discovered on: 20 March 2016<br><br>The Electronic Freedom Society ARG</p> + |
Emet's Crossing + | <p id="Emet's Crossing-popup"><span id="Emet's CrossingdefaultImagePlaceholder">Special:Filepath/NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: <br>Discovered on: 25 September 2020<br><br></p> + |
Entropy + | <p id="Entropy-popup"><span id="EntropyimagePlaceholder">File:Entropy.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://twitter.com/curtisjamesholt Curtis Holt]<br>Discovered on: 11 February 2018<br><br>Entropy - an ARG revolving around a series of mysterious YouTube videos.</p> + |
Epsilon/Sandbox + | <p id="Epsilon-popup"><span id="EpsilondefaultImagePlaceholder">Special:Filepath/NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: ''''''<br>Created By: <br>Discovered on: <br><br></p> + |
Exagen + | <p id="Exagen-popup"><span id="ExagenimagePlaceholder">File:LogoBlue.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: Prime<br>Discovered on: 16 August 2017<br><br>Exagen was an unofficial ARG made by Discord users.</p> + |
Eye Sigil ARG + | <p id="Eye Sigil ARG-popup"><span id="Eye Sigil ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Eye Sigil.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://twinbeard.com Twinbeard]<br>Discovered on: 23 January 2016<br><br>The Eye ARG, also known as the Sigil or Eye Sigil ARG, lasted for nearly a year and spanned more than 25 seemingly unrelated indie games.</p> + |
Eye Sigil ARG/Timeline + | <p id="Eye Sigil ARG-popup"><span id="Eye Sigil ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Eye Sigil.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://twinbeard.com Twinbeard]<br>Discovered on: 23 January 2016<br><br>The Eye ARG, also known as the Sigil or Eye Sigil ARG, lasted for nearly a year and spanned more than 25 seemingly unrelated indie games.</p> + |
F | |
FRTS + | <p id="FRTS-popup"><span id="FRTSimagePlaceholder">File:TCG_icon.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: TheCreativeGod<br>Discovered on: 7 March 2016<br><br>FRTS spanned several websites, a dead drop, and used the Game Detectives Discord server.</p> + |
Filmos + | <p id="Filmos-popup"><span id="FilmosimagePlaceholder">File:FilmosPicture.jpeg</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnJfLeh1zR8VeWZUNXmgiZw Filmos]<br>Discovered on: 29 June 2017<br><br></p> + |
Fortnite + | <p id="Fortnite-popup"><span id="FortniteimagePlaceholder">File:FortniteLogo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://www.epicgames.com Epic Games]<br>Discovered on: 30 June 2018<br><br>Artifacts from the hugely popular Fortnite are appearing in the real world.</p> + |
Frog Fractions 2 + | <p id="Frog Fractions 2-popup"><span id="Frog Fractions 2imagePlaceholder">File:FF2LOGO.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://twinbeard.com/ Twinbeard]<br>Discovered on: 10 March 2014<br><br>The FF2 ARG began in March 2014, and its goal is the discovery of which game is secretly a sequel to Frog Fractions…</p> + |
Frog Fractions 2/timelinetest + | <p id="Frog Fractions 2-popup"><span id="Frog Fractions 2imagePlaceholder">File:FF2LOGO.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://twinbeard.com/ Twinbeard]<br>Discovered on: 10 March 2014<br><br>The FF2 ARG began in March 2014, and its goal is the discovery of which game is secretly a sequel to Frog Fractions…</p> + |
G | |
Game Theory ARG + | <p id="Game Theory ARG-popup"><span id="Game Theory ARGimagePlaceholder">File: Game Theory Logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://www.youtube.com/user/MatthewPatrick13/ Game Theory]<br>Discovered on: 10 August 2018<br><br>But hey, that's just an ARG. A Game Theory ARG!</p> + |
H | |
HELIOS + | <p id="HELIOS-popup"><span id="HELIOSimagePlaceholder">File:Dscs.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith] and [https://www.twitch.tv Twitch, Inc.]<br>Discovered on: 5 December 2021<br><br>The Department of Defense has declassified access via uplink to the DSCS 3 satellite. Good Luck and Godspeed.</p> + |
Half-Life: Alyx + | <p id="Half-Life: Alyx-popup"><span id="Half-Life: AlyximagePlaceholder">File:Hla logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.valvesoftware.com Valve]<br>Discovered on: 26 March 2020<br><br>Mysterious looping radio stations within Half-Life: Alyx.</p> + |
Heartbound + | <p id="Heartbound-popup"><span id="HeartboundimagePlaceholder">File:Heartbound_poster_1mb.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://www.gopiratesoftware.com Pirate Software]<br>Discovered on: 5 April 2019<br><br>An ARG created around the game Heartbound.</p> + |
How To Basic ARG + | <p id="How To Basic ARG-popup"><span id="How To Basic ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Htb-logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: [https://www.youtube.com/user/HowToBasic How To Basic]<br>Discovered on: 24 March 2018<br><br>How To Basic's face reveal video led to a series of cryptic clues and puzzles.</p> + |
Human Souls + | <p id="Human Souls-popup"><span id="Human SoulsimagePlaceholder">File:Pangent_Technologies.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: Pangent Technologies<br>Discovered on: 16 February 2016<br><br>We are the same as we ever were. We are people. We are conscious human souls. We are the signal that rises above the noise.</p> + |
Hyzerblade + | <p id="Hyzerblade-popup"><span id="HyzerbladedefaultImagePlaceholder">Special:Filepath/NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: ''''''<br>Created By: <br>Discovered on: <br><br></p> + |
I | |
In Reality + | <p id="In Reality-popup"><span id="In RealityimagePlaceholder">File:In Reality icon.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [[whizzer0]]<br>Discovered on: 27 June 2016<br><br>Messages, websites and tests from other times start appearing in the present, all very different yet somehow connected.</p> + |
Inside ARG + | <p id="Inside ARG-popup"><span id="Inside ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Inside logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [http://playdead.com/ Playdead]<br>Discovered on: 29 June 2016<br><br>The Inside ARG revolved around mysterious codes being printed and deciphered.</p> + |
Intel + | <p id="Intel-popup"><span id="IntelimagePlaceholder">File:Intelsoft.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.intel.com/ Intel Corporation]<br>Discovered on: 16 March 2017<br><br>A race to earn wonderful prizes</p> + |
K | |
Kill Your Internet + | <p id="Kill Your Internet-popup"><span id="Kill Your InternetimagePlaceholder">File:BBS_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [[Camouflaj]]<br>Discovered on: 18 March 2016<br><br>Kill Your Internet - an ARG that took place in the world of République.</p> + |
Killing Floor 2 + | <p id="Killing Floor 2-popup"><span id="Killing Floor 2imagePlaceholder">File:kf2logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.tripwireinteractive.com/ Tripwire Interactive]<br>Discovered on: 21 April 2017<br><br>A set of Killing Floor 2 Puzzles - also known as "From a Friend".</p> + |
L | |
LEVELS + | <p id="LEVELS-popup"><span id="LEVELSimagePlaceholder">File:Levels icon.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: Unknown<br>Discovered on: 19 April 2017<br><br>Inexperienced does not mean incapable.</p> + |
Layton World + | <p id="Layton World-popup"><span id="Layton WorldimagePlaceholder">File:Lady_Layton.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.level5ia.com/ Level-5]<br>Discovered on: 20 June 2017<br><br>Layton World: A puzzle trail with over 50 different puzzles scattered across the world between June 20th and September 21st, that is based on the new upcoming Professor Layton game!</p> + |
Lesser Petroleum + | <p id="Lesser Petroleum-popup"><span id="Lesser PetroleumimagePlaceholder">File:Lesser-petroleum-logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Solved'''<br>Created By: [http://rockbitegames.com Rockbite Games]<br>Discovered on: 8 October 2018<br><br>A promotional ARG that led to a game called Sandship.</p> + |
Local 58 + | <p id="Local 58-popup"><span id="Local 58imagePlaceholder">File:Local58.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: [https://krisstraub.com/ Kris Straub]<br>Discovered on: 13 September 2021<br><br>A website for the webseries Local58</p> + |
Long-Forgotten Hippogryph + | <p id="Long-Forgotten Hippogryph-popup"><span id="Long-Forgotten HippogryphimagePlaceholder">File:LFH Mount.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.blizzard.com/ Blizzard Entertainment]<br>Discovered on: 1 September 2016<br><br>The '''Long-Forgotten Hippogryph''' is a secret mount hidden in World of Warcraft, obtained by locating 5 Ephemeral Crystals.</p> + |
Lost Memories + | <p id="Lost Memories-popup"><span id="Lost MemoriesimagePlaceholder">File:LM_Logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: Unknown<br>Discovered on: 25 October 2016<br><br>A multi-media ARG filled to the brim with codes, characters, and lore.</p> + |
Lucid Nightmare + | <p id="Lucid Nightmare-popup"><span id="Lucid NightmareimagePlaceholder">File:LN Logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.blizzard.com/ Blizzard Entertainment]<br>Discovered on: 30 August 2017<br><br>'''Lucid Nightmare''' is a secret mount hidden in [https://worldofwarcraft.com World of Warcraft], which is unlocked by solving a variety of puzzles.</p> + |
M | |
Meta:Press + | <p id="Meta:Press-popup"><span id="Meta:PressimagePlaceholder">File:GD_Newspaper.jpg</span><br><br>Status: ''''''<br>Created By: <br>Discovered on: <br><br>GD barges into headlines often, it's users dazzling the media and public with impressive displays of logic.</p> + |
Meta:Style Guide + | <p id="Meta:Style Guide-popup"><span id="Meta:Style GuideimagePlaceholder">File:Example.png, File:NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [[Valve]]<br>Discovered on: 31 January 1970<br><br>This it the description of an arg, I somehow forgot about it</p> + |
MonteCrypto + | <p id="MonteCrypto-popup"><span id="MonteCryptoimagePlaceholder">File:mcLogo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://concretegames.itch.io/ Concrete Games]<br>Discovered on: 20 February 2018<br><br>24 enigmas leading to a prize of 1 BTC.</p> + |
Mr. Robot ARG + | <p id="Mr. Robot ARG-popup"><span id="Mr. Robot ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Mr-robot.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [http://www.nbcuniversal.com/ NBC Universal]<br>Discovered on: 28 September 2017<br><br>An ARG set in the universe of Mr. Robot.</p> + |
Mystery of the Emblem + | <p id="Mystery of the Emblem-popup"><span id="Mystery of the EmblemimagePlaceholder">File:Mystery of the Emblem icon.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [[whizzer0]]<br>Discovered on: 26 March 2016<br><br>All is not well in a recreation of Fire Emblem.</p> + |
N | |
Necromancy For Beginners + | <p id="Necromancy For Beginners-popup"><span id="Necromancy For BeginnersimagePlaceholder">File:Chrono_Cauldron.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://chrono.gg/ Chrono.gg]<br>Discovered on: 24 November 2017<br><br>Chrono.gg's second ARG. Involving potion brewing.</p> + |
Nessy + | <p id="Nessy-popup"><span id="NessyimagePlaceholder">Image:Nessy doll.PNG</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.respawn.com/ Respawn Entertainment]<br>Discovered on: 12 February 2019<br><br></p> + |
O | |
Oddworld: Soulstorm + | <p id="Oddworld: Soulstorm-popup"><span id="Oddworld: SoulstormimagePlaceholder">File:Oddworld_ABETHUMB_8291.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [http://www.oddworld.com/ Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc]<br>Discovered on: 22 December 2016<br><br>Oddworld: Soulstorm - An ARG centered around lore from the Oddworld universe linked to the currently unreleased game [http://www.oddworld.com/soulstorm/ Oddworld: Soulstorm]</p> + |
Oxenfree + | <p id="Oxenfree-popup"><span id="OxenfreeimagePlaceholder">File:Oxenfree_logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://nightschoolstudio.com/oxenfree/ Night School Studio]<br>Discovered on: 15 January 2016<br><br>The Oxenfree ARG had an emphasis on radio frequencies and morse code.</p> + |
P | |
PUBG Lore + | <p id="PUBG Lore-popup"><span id="PUBG LoreimagePlaceholder">File:NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Abandoned'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith] & [https://www.pubg.com/ PUBG]<br>Discovered on: 7 October 2020<br><br>https://lore.pubg.com/</p> + |
Petscop + | <p id="Petscop-popup"><span id="PetscopimagePlaceholder">File:PetscopLogo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: "Tony" ([https://twitter.com/pressedyes?lang=en @pressedyes] on Twitter)<br>Discovered on: 12 March 2017<br><br>The Petscop ARG involves a playthrough of an obscure, unreleased PS1 game.</p> + |
Project 11 + | <p id="Project 11-popup"><span id="Project 11imagePlaceholder">File:Project_11.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [[Project 11 (puppetmaster)|Project 11]]<br>Discovered on: 2 June 2016<br><br>A mysterious ARG which turned out to be a Half-Life 3 hoax</p> + |
R | |
RainbowLeaks + | <p id="RainbowLeaks-popup"><span id="RainbowLeaksimagePlaceholder">File:RainbowLeaks_Logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.ubisoft.com/ Ubisoft]<br>Discovered on: 20 November 2017<br><br>A website called RainbowLeaks, linked to Rainbow Six: Siege.</p> + |
Rasputin ARG + | <p id="Rasputin ARG-popup"><span id="Rasputin ARGimagePlaceholder">File:RasputinPuzzleARG.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.bungie.net/ Bungie Entertainment]<br>Discovered on: 8 May 2018<br><br>The Rasputin Chamber Puzzle ARG - an ARG involving an in-game Rasputin and out of game items.</p> + |
Ready Player One + | <p id="Ready Player One-popup"><span id="Ready Player OneimagePlaceholder">File: Rp1 logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.warnerbros.com/ Warner Bros.]<br>Discovered on: 10 December 2017<br><br>An ARG linked to the movie adaptation of Ernest Cline's book ''Ready Player One''</p> + |
Rick and Morty ARG + | <p id="Rick and Morty ARG-popup"><span id="Rick and Morty ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Earth_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: [http://adultswim.com Adult Swim]<br>Discovered on: 30 January 2016<br><br>The Rick and Morty ARG, also known as the Galactic Federation ARG, was a teaser ARG for Season 3 of Rick and Morty.</p> + |
Runestone Basalt + | <p id="Runestone Basalt-popup"><span id="Runestone BasaltimagePlaceholder">File:Runestone_basalt.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.jagex.com/ Jagex]<br>Discovered on: 19 January 2022<br><br>Secret messages have been discovered in Old School RuneScape.</p> + |
S | |
Secret Project + | <p id="Secret Project-popup"><span id="Secret ProjectdefaultImagePlaceholder">Special:Filepath/NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://frictionalgames.com/ Frictional Games]<br>Discovered on: 23 January 2020<br><br></p> + |
SiIvaGunner ARG + | <p id="SiIvaGunner ARG-popup"><span id="SiIvaGunner ARGimagePlaceholder">File:GiIvasunner_album.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: SiIvaGunner<br>Discovered on: 20 June 2016<br><br>The High Quality SiIvaGunner ARG</p> + |
Society X + | <p id="Society X-popup"><span id="Society XimagePlaceholder">File:scxlogo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: Prime<br>Discovered on: 26 October 2016<br><br>You are not alone.</p> + |
Solaris United + | <p id="Solaris United-popup"><span id="Solaris UnitedimagePlaceholder">Image:Solaris_United.gif</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.digitalextremes.com/ Digital Extremes]<br>Discovered on: 23 October 2018<br><br>A potential ARG for the upcoming Warframe update, Fortuna</p> + |
Sombra ARG + | <p id="Sombra ARG-popup"><span id="Sombra ARGimagePlaceholder">File:Sombra_skull.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.blizzard.com/ Blizzard Entertainment]<br>Discovered on: 12 June 2016<br><br>The Sombra ARG - an ARG involving an unreleased Overwatch hero.</p> + |
Static Hourglass + | <p id="Static Hourglass-popup"><span id="Static HourglassimagePlaceholder">File:Static_Hourglass_cover.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: synthpirategreg<br>Discovered on: 3 November 2017<br><br>A series of mysterious tapes that have appeared in the Bay Area.</p> + |
Steam Summer 2016 + | <p id="Steam Summer 2016-popup"><span id="Steam Summer 2016imagePlaceholder">Image:NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.valvesoftware.com Valve]<br>Discovered on: 23 June 2016<br><br></p> + |
Steam Winter 2015 + | <p id="Steam Winter 2015-popup"><span id="Steam Winter 2015imagePlaceholder">File:RedHerringBadge.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.valvesoftware.com/ Valve]<br>Discovered on: 22 December 2015<br><br>AKA '''North Pole Noire'''</p> + |
Stranger Things + | <p id="Stranger Things-popup"><span id="Stranger ThingsimagePlaceholder">File:Stranger.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://netflix.com Netflix]<br>Discovered on: 21 October 2017<br><br>Players investigate a series of clues scattered throughout ads for Stranger Thing's second season.</p> + |
Sun Darter Hatchling + | <p id="Sun Darter Hatchling-popup"><span id="Sun Darter HatchlingimagePlaceholder">File:SDH Logo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.blizzard.com/ Blizzard Entertainment]<br>Discovered on: 16 June 2017<br><br>The '''Sun Darter Hatchling''' is a secret pet hidden in World of Warcraft, in the back of a mysterious cavern.</p> + |
T | |
THE VAULT + | <p id="THE VAULT-popup"><span id="THE VAULTimagePlaceholder">Image:THE_VAULT_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://www.stashinvest.com/ Stash]<br>Discovered on: 31 October 2018<br><br>Doc created a game ... The first hero to beat it will get to loot his private VAULT valued at $10,000 real dollars. 10,000 BONES. 10,000 BIG BOIS.</p> + |
THE VAULT/Chapter One + | <p id="THE VAULT-popup"><span id="THE VAULTimagePlaceholder">Image:THE_VAULT_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://www.stashinvest.com/ Stash]<br>Discovered on: 31 October 2018<br><br>Doc created a game ... The first hero to beat it will get to loot his private VAULT valued at $10,000 real dollars. 10,000 BONES. 10,000 BIG BOIS.</p> + |
THE VAULT/Chapter Three + | <p id="THE VAULT-popup"><span id="THE VAULTimagePlaceholder">Image:THE_VAULT_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://www.stashinvest.com/ Stash]<br>Discovered on: 31 October 2018<br><br>Doc created a game ... The first hero to beat it will get to loot his private VAULT valued at $10,000 real dollars. 10,000 BONES. 10,000 BIG BOIS.</p> + |
THE VAULT/Chapter Two + | <p id="THE VAULT-popup"><span id="THE VAULTimagePlaceholder">Image:THE_VAULT_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://www.stashinvest.com/ Stash]<br>Discovered on: 31 October 2018<br><br>Doc created a game ... The first hero to beat it will get to loot his private VAULT valued at $10,000 real dollars. 10,000 BONES. 10,000 BIG BOIS.</p> + |
Tender + | <p id="Tender-popup"><span id="TenderimagePlaceholder">Image:Tenderlogo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 19 January 2019<br><br>Tender was an ARG which led towards the reveal of [https://www.bloodlines2.com/ Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2]</p> + |
Teragon + | <p id="Teragon-popup"><span id="TeragonimagePlaceholder">Image:NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://wiki.gamedetectives.net/index.php?title=Gayfarang gayfarang]<br>Discovered on: 31 January 2016<br><br></p> + |
The Mole + | <p id="The Mole-popup"><span id="The MoleimagePlaceholder">Image:NewExample3.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: Unknown<br>Discovered on: 1 July 2018<br><br>The Mole is a riddle discovered on Reddit. A user named Nakano-Anapa posted a long binary post on his profile. There isn't much information about this riddle (or ARG) yet. The original post can be [https://www.reddit.com/user/Nakano-Anapa/comments/8wsfst/2036/ found here].</p> + |
The Secret World + | <p id="The Secret World-popup"><span id="The Secret WorldimagePlaceholder">File:TSWL BG Image.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 16 June 2017<br><br>The Secret World: Legends puzzle trail, also known as "Kiss of the Revenant".</p> + |
The Verne Club + | <p id="The Verne Club-popup"><span id="The Verne ClubimagePlaceholder">File:VerneClubLogo.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: [https://cabrerabrothers.com The Cabrera Brothers Company]<br>Discovered on: 13 July 2021<br><br>Uncovering the mystery of the Verne Club.</p> + |
The Wilson Wolfe Affair + | <p id="The Wilson Wolfe Affair-popup"><span id="The Wilson Wolfe AffairimagePlaceholder">File:Wilsonwolfe.gif</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.simulacragames.com/ Simulacra Games]<br>Discovered on: 19 October 2017<br><br>A mad scientist's affairs aren't many people's concern...</p> + |
TheConsole + | <p id="TheConsole-popup"><span id="TheConsoleimagePlaceholder">File:TheConsoleAvatar.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Discontinued'''<br>Created By: Jack Bergin<br>Discovered on: 22 March 2017<br><br></p> + |
TidalVortex + | <p id="TidalVortex-popup"><span id="TidalVorteximagePlaceholder">File:Dagaz.jpg</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 19 December 2017<br><br>Live event 14 of The Black Watchmen, involving the long lost mysterious figure Whitechapel.</p> + |
U | |
Ultrakill + | <p id="Ultrakill-popup"><span id="UltrakillimagePlaceholder">File:Ultrakill_cover.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://twitter.com/HakitaDev Hakita]<br>Discovered on: 16 March 2022<br><br></p> + |
W | |
Waking Titan + | <p id="Waking Titan-popup"><span id="Waking TitanimagePlaceholder">File:Project WT logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 28 May 2017<br><br>Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the [https://www.nomanssky.com/atlas-rises-update/ Atlas Rises] and [https://www.nomanssky.com/next-update/ NEXT] updates for No Man's Sky.</p> + |
Waking Titan/Console Commands + | <p id="Waking Titan-popup"><span id="Waking TitanimagePlaceholder">File:Project WT logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 28 May 2017<br><br>Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the [https://www.nomanssky.com/atlas-rises-update/ Atlas Rises] and [https://www.nomanssky.com/next-update/ NEXT] updates for No Man's Sky.</p> + |
Waking Titan/Phase 1 + | <p id="Waking Titan-popup"><span id="Waking TitanimagePlaceholder">File:Project WT logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 28 May 2017<br><br>Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the [https://www.nomanssky.com/atlas-rises-update/ Atlas Rises] and [https://www.nomanssky.com/next-update/ NEXT] updates for No Man's Sky.</p> + |
Waking Titan/Phase 2 + | <p id="Waking Titan-popup"><span id="Waking TitanimagePlaceholder">File:Project WT logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 28 May 2017<br><br>Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the [https://www.nomanssky.com/atlas-rises-update/ Atlas Rises] and [https://www.nomanssky.com/next-update/ NEXT] updates for No Man's Sky.</p> + |
Waking Titan/Phase 3 + | <p id="Waking Titan-popup"><span id="Waking TitanimagePlaceholder">File:Project WT logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 28 May 2017<br><br>Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the [https://www.nomanssky.com/atlas-rises-update/ Atlas Rises] and [https://www.nomanssky.com/next-update/ NEXT] updates for No Man's Sky.</p> + |
Waking Titan/Phase 4 + | <p id="Waking Titan-popup"><span id="Waking TitanimagePlaceholder">File:Project WT logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 28 May 2017<br><br>Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the [https://www.nomanssky.com/atlas-rises-update/ Atlas Rises] and [https://www.nomanssky.com/next-update/ NEXT] updates for No Man's Sky.</p> + |
Waking Titan/Phase 5 + | <p id="Waking Titan-popup"><span id="Waking TitanimagePlaceholder">File:Project WT logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 28 May 2017<br><br>Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the [https://www.nomanssky.com/atlas-rises-update/ Atlas Rises] and [https://www.nomanssky.com/next-update/ NEXT] updates for No Man's Sky.</p> + |
Waking Titan/Phase 6 + | <p id="Waking Titan-popup"><span id="Waking TitanimagePlaceholder">File:Project WT logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 28 May 2017<br><br>Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the [https://www.nomanssky.com/atlas-rises-update/ Atlas Rises] and [https://www.nomanssky.com/next-update/ NEXT] updates for No Man's Sky.</p> + |
Waking Titan/Summary + | <p id="Waking Titan-popup"><span id="Waking TitanimagePlaceholder">File:Project WT logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [http://www.aliceandsmith.com/ Alice & Smith]<br>Discovered on: 28 May 2017<br><br>Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the [https://www.nomanssky.com/atlas-rises-update/ Atlas Rises] and [https://www.nomanssky.com/next-update/ NEXT] updates for No Man's Sky.</p> + |
Watch Dogs 2 + | <p id="Watch Dogs 2-popup"><span id="Watch Dogs 2imagePlaceholder">File:Dedsec.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Completed'''<br>Created By: [https://www.ubisoft.com/ Ubisoft]<br>Discovered on: 3 September 2016<br><br>Marketing campaigns aren't ARGs, people.</p> + |
Watching You + | <p id="Watching You-popup"><span id="Watching YouimagePlaceholder">File:watchingyou_logo.png</span><br><br>Status: '''Active'''<br>Created By: Unknown<br>Discovered on: 2 July 2016<br><br>An enigmatic organisation recruits people through a series of puzzles.</p> + |