Watching You:Timeline

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On 2016-07-02, the reddit user /u/stvjsmrs (which had existed for at least a month previously) posted to various gaming and ARG-related to subreddits.

/r/arg and /r/gamedetectives

We have been watching you.

Complete this test to continue a series. You are, for now, alone, but your goal is the same.

i ii ii ii  mm m m m  G GG  U U U  RR RR RR  II II  MM M M

(The /r/gamedetectives post is identical.)

This was solved to be Morse Code, leading to an Imgur image:


/r/fireemblem and /r/fireemblemcasual

We have been watching you.

Complete this test to continue a series. You are, for now, alone, but your goal is the same.

Strength is key if left unchanged.
A digit is paired with a needed glyph.
Seek an image of your own.

shura (c)
tiki (A:Hm)

The names in the last paragraph are all characters from Fire Emblem (which was also featured in a previous ARG, Mystery of the Emblem, although the puppetmaster of that ARG has claimed no connection to this one).


We have been watching you.

Complete this test to continue a series. You are, for now, alone, but your goal is the same.

Update to now, and what would be here? Letters, not digits.
Don't have a block, pick these up instead.
First things first.
Seek an image of your own.


These were solved to be item IDs, leading to another Imgur image:


By taking the first letter of the namen of each of these blocks, this was solved to:


or the email address [email protected]. Some attempts have been made to contact the address but no replies have been received.


We have been watching you.

Complete this test to continue a series. You are, for now, alone, but your goal is the same.

Not what’s here, but what you see normally, is what you need.
First things first of that.
Seek an image of your own.

a zaryanova

Discord users Malqua and whizzer0 solved this by changing the three real names to their character names (Zarya, Hanzo, and Bastion), yielding an Imgur URL:


These are Overwatch ability icons. Discord users picapi, Malqua, and Lucario solved this by taking the first letters of each ability, leading to a Pastebin URL:

Player phase. Who should fight who?

Class: Fighter, Archer, Pegasus Knight, Soldier
Level: 7, 3, 4, 6
HP: 12, 10, 14, 9
Atk: 14, 14, 12, 18
Spd: 14, 4, 9, 8
Def: 5, 3, 6, 4

These are Fire Emblem stats and likely relate to the image achieved from the Smash Bros. image.


We have been watching you.


This was solved by taking the first letters of each character/emblem shown, with normal images being lowercase letters and inverted images being uppercase letters. It led to another image:


This image, heavily corrupted, is of a GBA Fire Emblem game.