Rick and Morty ARG

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Rick and Morty ARG
Active since 30-01-2016
Earth logo.png
The Rick and Morty ARG, also known as the Galactic Federation ARG, was a teaser ARG for Season 3 of Rick and Morty.
Type [[List_of_Investigations#Official|Official]]
Creator Adult Swim
Discovered 30-01-2016

Main Page > List of Investigations > Rick and Morty ARG

The Rick and Morty ARG, also known as the Galactic Federation ARG, was a teaser ARG for Season 3 of Rick and Morty, a popular television show on the Adult Swim network. The ARG took place over the Galactic Federation site, as well as over social media. However, there is some skepticism around the idea of this being an actual arg, as there are yet to be any puzzles to solve.

Galactic Federation Site

The ARG began when the official Rick and Morty tweeted a link to http://galacticfederation.com, a site within the fiction of the Rick and Morty universe. The Galactic Federation site is supposed to allow people to sign up for Federation Rewards Cards; however, clicking on the link to get a rewards card on the front page starts a "glitching" animation that eventually leads users to this terminal instead, found at fedconnect.galacticfederation.com.

Fedconnect Terminal

At the terminal, users are presented with various options. So far, the only option that has found to be of use to the ARG is the Prisoner Database. In this database, users are able to search for various prisoners by using their prisoner numbers. This page is full of Easter eggs depending on the number you enter (for example, a Meeseeks can be found using prisoner ID# CG-9990-I). Users can access Rick Sanchez's prisoner page by entering his ID number from the show: AE-3852-I.


A screenshot of the console output when typing FREE_RICK into the console on Rick's prisoner page

On Rick's prisoner page, typing "FREE_RICK" into the console yields the following message:

Object {apiURL: "https://mv8l6wigkg.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/production", stage:"prod", domainUrl:"https://prison.galacticfederation.com", share: Object}

At the time of writing, the link in the line of code above leads to a page that simply says:

{"message":"Missing Authentication Token"}

However, there is evidence that this means absolutely nothing.

Social Media

This section is a list of social media accounts pertaining to the ARG.