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(A gallery of secrets: um.)
(A gallery of secrets)
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<code>d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e</code> is the MD5 hash [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10909976/why-do-seemingly-empty-files-and-strings-produce-md5sums of an empty string].
<code>d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e</code> is the MD5 hash [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10909976/why-do-seemingly-empty-files-and-strings-produce-md5sums of an empty string].
The last 32 characters of <code>c50267b906a652f2142cfab006e215c9f6fdc8a01c27680133b781cadd037e8a6dcc001b</code> are <code>1c27680133b781cadd037e8a6dcc001b</code> which is the MD5 hash for <code>sniper</code>, leading to http://subrealitystudios.com/sniper/ on the Subreality Studios website.
<code>c50267b906a652f2142cfab006e215c9f6fdc8a01c27680133b781cadd037e8a6dcc001b</code> is concatenation of a 40 character string <code>c50267b906a652f2142cfab006e215c9f6fdc8a0</code> and the 32-character string <code>1c27680133b781cadd037e8a6dcc001b</code>. The first one is the SHA-1 hash of <code>www</code> and the second – the MD5 hash of <code>sniper</code>, leading to http://subrealitystudios.com/sniper/ on the Subreality Studios website.
== Sniped ==
== Sniped ==

Revision as of 17:47, 2 January 2017

Active since 2017-01-01
It's stars, you fools.
Type Independent
Creator Unknown
Discovered 2017-01-01

Main Page > List of Investigations

Corvus is an ARG that began with secrets hidden within a VR game studio's promotional images.

Subreality Studios

A gallery of secrets

The VR game studio Subreality Studios posted a reddit thread promoting their new Discord server and linking to an Imgur gallery containing screenshots of their currently released games. Small letters were hidden in these images, spelling out /a/8nLqb.

This was another Imgur gallery link, depicting the constellation of Corvus.

Users investigating the ARG in the Subreality Discord server were given a special Corvus role, allowing them into a private #corvus channel. Three messages have been posted by the Mee6 Discord bot to that channel.

Mee6 Bot Avatar.png
01/01/2017 at 5:01 AM


Mee6 Bot Avatar.png
01/01/2017 at 6:00 PM

=Unch5mb1R3c1NGI1RWdwBXYsxWZgUnbhRXQ, when reversed, decodes from Base64 to Atanu ellappudu custunnaru, which is Telugu and translates roughly to "he always watches".

d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is the MD5 hash of an empty string.

c50267b906a652f2142cfab006e215c9f6fdc8a01c27680133b781cadd037e8a6dcc001b is concatenation of a 40 character string c50267b906a652f2142cfab006e215c9f6fdc8a0 and the 32-character string 1c27680133b781cadd037e8a6dcc001b. The first one is the SHA-1 hash of www and the second – the MD5 hash of sniper, leading to http://subrealitystudios.com/sniper/ on the Subreality Studios website.


The /sniper page contained an embedded Imgur image that has yet to be solved.


In my sights

Mee6 Bot Avatar.png
01/01/2017 at 9:41 PM