Eye Sigil ARG/Reagan Gorbachev
Main Page > List of Investigations > Eye Sigil ARG > Reagan Gorbachev
Raegan Gorbachev is a top-down shooter/stealth game developed by Team2Bit and released on 24 Feb 2016.
The sigil was added on release as it was discovered by the players on day one.
The sigil is on the floor of a hidden room in Level 22.
Find the rocketlauncher and shoot the right wall at the end of that level to get to that room as seen here.
Finish the room and go through the top door to see the piece as shown here
Discovery process notes
We found a video from June where the players have "solved the puzzle" before we had time to datamine or finish it ourselves.
Data mining
The secret level that you access after the level 22 is stored in the "level43" asset. It loads the sprites and their textures from the "sharedassets44.assets" file (which pretty much only hasthe sigil and piece sprites).
The sigil's GameObject is called sigil 2 and the texture is called sonicMJsymbol.
The piece's GameObject is called reagan-gorbachev-map-piece and the texture is called portal3-washwig-map. It's safe to assume that the texture name is trolling since the sigil was planted in the game after the GD investigation started and GameDetectives already datamined Unity files for other games and seen the filenames.