Entropy/Chapter 5

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Main Page > List of Investigations > Entropy > Chapter 5

This page describes in detail the events of Chapter 5 in the Entropy ARG.


On Jul 22, 2018, a player sent a concerned message to Entropy. 4 days later Entropy replied:

What am I?
Am I a tool – a matter of design? Is my purpose to act as a kind of bridge for these hyper-beings? Do I have any other discernable purpose or freedom? How much of all of this was pre-determined? Was my suffering pre-determined? I don’t know how to approach that thought.

If everything is moving towards a plan, like this MKM have been implying, then surely there are more efficient ways to get there than making me live through cycles of pain.

Sometimes in the mess of it all, I feel like I can consider nothing to be truly real anymore. 
And yes, now I am weakening, although the new designations have helped to offset the change slightly. I don’t quite know what’s happening with Primorda, but whatever it is must be weakening them. As they are weakening, so am I…


Hold on… That can’t be right – it doesn’t make sense.
That can only mean that…
Where is Kyren now?

This prompted the player to check all available sources and then discover the following on LordBytesworth

[ CLU14 :: I'm sorry, there's nothing that could have prevented this. ]
[ CLU14 :: We didn't know this would happen. ]

This message seemed to indicate that Kyren had been removed by the Silatanum entity and was later confirmed true by MKM sources

Steam Codes

On July 30, 13:00 UTC, Primorda tweeted an image with columns of digital characters with mostly / characters, alphanumerics, and a few scattered Myanic characters. Over the course of 4 hours, 4 images were tweeted in response to players sending Sigils of their own design. The Myanic characters provided one-word answers to the statements made in each sigil, the calls and responses are as follows:

Call: Primorda
Response: HELLO

Call: Wake up Primorda
Response: ALIVE

Call: Help us help you
Response: HELD

Call: Tell me where, we will come

After all 4 images were received players discovered that the character strings were MKM encoded Steam codes. When each was entered, players were allowed to download a non-public beta version of a PC application named Cryptolancer.


MKM Contact

The Cyprolancer app initially seemed to have many things in common with the Eyes of Entropy app. Discord communicated with an MKM Operative (CLU16) working for the MKM (now known as "Makama" which means matter in Kovonic) corporation in another verse. Prior to MKM responding to players, the app presented small narratives regarding each major character known at the time:


Players then asked many questions in Discord, to which MKM answered selectively.

Through this Q&A Players gained insight on MKM, the Silatanum, Entropy themselves and may have secured a way to reconstruct and revive Kyren if those who are in charge at MKM approve. It was also show that The Host (Curtis) is able to utilize this communication system, alluding to the possibility that the other entities are capable of such as well.

The Portal

On August 29th Entropy tweeted 2 images. The first image depicted various constellation symbols intermixed with Korvonic phrases and a 10x10 grid of Korvonic characters. The second image showed a rocky landscape with more constellations and Korvonic.