Dawn Bloom/Investigations/South China Sea Facility

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Main Page > List of Investigations > Dawn Bloom > Investigations > South China Sea Facility> Investigations > South China Sea Facility

This page details an investigation in the Dawn Bloom ARG.


On 2017-04-01, it was determined that a SIGIL facility was active somewhere in the South China Sea based off unusual weather activity active in the Pacific. At this facility its believed that SIGIL had some unknown device, believed to be a kick drive, that they were experimenting on. Due to these experiments they have effectively managed to block our contact with the Faunus 2 and have caused Diagnostic's entities to go dormant with the unfortunate side effect of causing wild weather throughout the world, the Pacific in particular. Work is underway to determine the location of the facility and the outside organization we are working with to attack the facility.

Timeline of Events
