Help:Page validation

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Review Flag Settings
Accuracy Depth Readability
0 = Unapproved 0 = Unapproved 0 = Unapproved
1 = Inadequate 1 = Inadequate 1 = Inadequate
2 = Spot Checked 2 = Basic 2 = Acceptable
3 = Accurate 3 = Moderate 3 = Good
4 = Well Sourced 4 = High 4 = Concise
Marker settings
Reviewed 2 Spot Checked / 2 Basic / 2 Acceptable
Quality 3 Accurate / 3 Moderate / 3 Good
Pristine 4 Well Sourced / High / Concise

Article validation allows for Editors to rate revisions of articles and set those revisions as the default revision to show upon normal page view. These revisions will remain the same even if included templates are changed or images are overwritten. We use FlaggedRevs to control revisions. We rate pages according to our Meta:Style Guide.

Revision control

Pages that are under revision control can have two different versions:

  • Stable revision is the most recent "quality" revision. Displayed by default to all users, whether logged in or not.
  • Current revision is the latest revision, whether reviewed and approved or not. Displayed by default to administrators, and visible via the "Draft" link to all logged-in users.
  • Reviewed means that an article has not been looked at.
  • Quality means that an article has been looked at and does not contain vandalism.
  • Pristine means that a real content check has been done.

Articles can be rated with the flags which are scaled from 0 to 3 as explained in table at the right.

Validation tasks
External links