Meta:Style Guide

From Game Detectives Wiki
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This page documents rules, styles, and conventions for the Game Detectives wiki. Please try your best to adhere to them when creating new pages, writing new content, or editing existing content.

Wikipedia Manual of Style

This wiki adheres to the Wikipedia Manual of Style. This is the definitive style guide for wiki content and should be followed unless otherwise noted.


General Guidelines

  • Pages should be written in English. If a page requires use of another language, an English translation should be provided.
  • Proofread your edits! If you see a typo on a page, don't hesitate to correct it!
  • Write with the newbie's perspective in mind - aim to craft pages that are accessible to someone who knows nothing about a given ARG.
  • Take advantage of Mediawiki's formatting when appropriate. Images and videos can be embedded in the page to maximize readability.
  • When embedding images, it's preferable to upload them to our wiki, then embed (instead of embedding from an external source).
  • A full formatting guide can be found here.



  • Avoid ambiguity, jargon, and vague or unnecessarily complex wording.
  • Use words your audience will understand, and use just enough words to convey your message.
  • Define terms that may not be obvious to individuals who are new to what you are writing about.
  • Keep paragraphs and sentences short and concise.
  • Use contractions or don't. Just be consistent.


Always write in the past tense.

This rule is particularly important when writing about puzzle solutions. This rule applies even when writing about something that is presently occurring. If events are initially described in present tense, then the description needs to be altered later on to reflect that it happened in the past.

This also goes for future tense - talk about what information was revealed rather than where the investigation is today.


The website will be updated on the 12th of this month, according to the tweet by the PM.

Should be written as:

The PM tweeted that the website would be updated on the 12th of December.

Side note: As above, don't refer to dates relatively. Reference exact dates in the past tense to preserve readability even after the event concludes.

Example 2:

Discord user imnotgoats found the solution to puzzle one is: 27

Should be written as:

Players discovered puzzle one's solution was: 27

Side note: Reference participants as "player(s)" (as opposed to users, etc) to maintain congruence with other wiki articles.


As mentioned above, write with the newbie's perspective in mind. This means embedding the most pertinent media directly onto the page, and linking to relevant sources where necessary. When in doubt, more links and embedded media are better (but not to the point where you can't read any of the words on the page, of course).

Additionally, be wary of writing run-on sentences when describing what occurred in an ARG. ARGs can get really complex, really quickly, so it's easy for a newcomer to feel overwhelmed. When in doubt, step back and think about how to break down your explanation.

Point of View

The wiki should have a consistent, neutral voice, and should not read as though it was written by one or two solvers. Avoid using the word "we" at all costs! Instead, consider replacing it with something like "players" or "participants", depending on the context.


Through the use of clever lateral thinking, we solved the puzzle.

Should be written as:

Through the use of clever lateral thinking, players were able to solve the puzzle.

Mentioning Players

Players may be mentioned by name if:

  • They were the only person present at a live event
  • They were a prevalent player during a live event (eg. streamed the event)

Players should not be mentioned by name if:

  • They solved a single ARG puzzle
  • They solved multiple ARG puzzles
  • They were one of many players who attended a live event

Generally speaking, mentioning players by name in the body of the wiki has a negative impact on readability and detracts from an otherwise informational format. Separate credits pages, especially as demanded by the community, are encouraged, and the above rules need not apply to them.

Dates and Times

All dates written using solely numbers on the wiki should abide by the ISO 8601 standard:


When writing dates inline, any of the following formats can be used:

Month DD, YYYY
Month DD

Note: Please try to keep inline date styles consistent for any given page.

Times should be in written in 24-hour time, and should use the UTC timezone.

Page Structure

The main page for an ARG should use the ARG Box template, set to float to the right. At the top of the page, above the table of contents, there should be a brief summary of the ARG, including links to any related media. Every subpage of any main page can use Auto ARG Box to generate argboxes from data gathered from the first.

Page Sections

Defining sections for a wiki page is often a judgement call for wiki editors. However, if an ARG is explicitly broken up into distinct segments, it may make sense to define the sections accordingly. For instance, Waking Titan is explicitly broken up into 3 "phases". Wiki editors mirrored this structure by breaking the ARG up into 3 sub-pages: one for Phase 1, one for Phase 2, and one for Phase 3. The first of these phases is broken up into 5 "sequences", so its wiki page is structured accordingly.


The main page for an ARG can host whatever information is deemed necessary by wiki editors. If the ARG is small, the main page may suffice to contain the full documentation of the ARG. However, as ARGs become more sprawling and complex, more pages may be required to track them. Articles about high-level subjects can be created, named sensibly, in the main namespace. For all articles pertaining solely to a specific ARG, subpages should be used.


This_ARG                         <- this is a page as well as the namespace

Additionally, when creating subpages, ensure you categorize them properly!


Where there is a requirement for two articles with the same name in the same namespace, disambiguation should be used in the form of parenthesis after the article name. An example of this is Project 11 (the ARG) and Project 11 (puppetmaster) (the name of the puppetmaster).

Non-ARG articles

Articles that do not pertain solely to a specific ARG should be in the main namespace. This is because puppetmasters could potentially create more than a single ARG.


This section outlines some naming conventions to promote consistency across the wiki. This section is not intended to comment on a phrase's 'correctness' in the real world - rather, these guidelines outline an approved style for this wiki.

  • "ARG" always appears in caps ("Arg" and "arg" are incorrect).
  • "Puppetmaster" is a single word ("puppet master" and "puppet-master" are incorrect).
  • "Easter egg" only has a capital on 'Easter' ("Easter Egg" and "easter egg" are incorrect).

Wiki Templates

Article Message Box


This is the {{Ambox}} or Article message box meta-template.

{{Ambox|type=content|text=my text here}}, or
{{Ambox|type=speedy|text=my text here}}, etc

The type parameter defines the color of the left bar, and the image that is used by default. The type is chosen not on aesthetics but is based on the type of issue that the template describes. The seven available types and their default images are shown below.

If no type parameter is given the template defaults to |type=notice.

See also



This is the {{argbox}} or ARG Info Box meta-template. This template is used to create an arg infobox on a given page, as well as assign the page to a category determined by the root page name.


Type {{argbox}} somewhere, with parameters as shown below.

Sample output
| float       = left
| name        = Valve ARG
| image       = File:NewExample3.png
| imagewidth  = 400
| description = This it the description of an arg, I somehow forgot about it
| creator     = [[Valve]]
| creator2    = [[Valve]]
| type        = Official
| status      = Active
| discovered  = 1970-01-31
| completed   = 1971-01-31
| closed      = 1971-01-31
| reopened    = 1972-01-31 
| timeline    = [[Valve]]

Results in...

Valve ARG
Active since 1970-01-31
This it the description of an arg, I somehow forgot about it
Type Official
Creators Valve & Valve
Discovered 1970-01-31
Completed 1971-01-31
Closed 1971-01-31
Reopened 1972-01-31
Timeline Valve
Parameter Description Default Accepted Values Type Status
float box is aligned to the the left or the right. right left or right String Optional
clear content is delayed until just the right or left column is complete. right left or right String Optional
name The name of the ARG infobox Title of the current page String Optional
image The thumb of the ARG infobox Image:Example.png any valid link from local source or external String Optional
imagewidth Width of the thumb image of the ARG info box. Also controls the width of the argbox itself. 400 any valid integer Int Optional
description Short description of the ARG String Optional
creator A creator of the ARG String Optional
creator2 A second creator of the ARG String Optional
creator3 A third creator of the ARG String Optional
type The type of the ARG Official, Unofficial, Investigation String Optional
status Status of the ARG Active, On Hold, Completed or Discontinued String Optional
discovered Date of the ARG discovery, YYYY-MM-DD Date Optional
completed Date of the ARG completion, YYYY-MM-DD Date Optional
closed Date of the ARG closing, YYYY-MM-DD Date Optional
reopened Date of the ARG reopening, YYYY-MM-DD Date Optional
timeline Wikilink to the timeline article of the ARG String Optional
halloffame Whether to render a link to a Hall of Fame true or emtpy Boolean Optional
popupContent Manual override for given arg's investigation list dialog popup Any string including parsable wikitext (no HTML) String Optional

Auto ARG Box


This is the {{autoArgbox}} or Automatic ARG infobox meta-template. This template is used to automatically create an ARG infobox on a given subpage using data from the parent page's {{argbox}}.


Type {{autoArgbox}} somewhere, with optional parameters as shown below. Any parameters manually defined will override those pulled from data.

Sample output
| float       = left
| name        = Valve ARG
| image       = File:Example.png

Results in...

Valve ARG

See {{argbox}}.



This is the {{ArgHeader}} or ARG Header meta-template.

It is an intelligent template used to add a navigation bar at the head of any ARG page. It is self-structuring and does not require any variable input.


Main Page > List of Investigations > Meta:Style Guide

Back to top button


This is the {{backToTop}} or Back to top button meta-template. This template is used to create a back to top button on a given page which snaps to the tops of the page when clicked.


Type {{backToTop}} somewhere.

Sample output

Results in the bottom seen on the bottom-left of the page...

Message box


This is the {{mbox}} or multi namespace message box meta-template.

This meta-template is used to build message box templates that are used on several types of pages and thus need to change style depending on what page they are used on. Based on page type detected it uses one of {{ambox}}, {{tmbox}}, {{imbox}}, {{cmbox}} and {{ombox}}.

Note that this template should only be used for message boxes that really need to adapt their style. Most message boxes do not need this and should use one of {{ambox}}, {{tmbox}}, {{imbox}}, {{cmbox}} or {{ombox}} directly. Using those templates directly means that your template will look the same on its template page and at any other place you show it, which makes it clear on what kind of pages it is supposed to be used. It also gives you access to any extra features those templates offer, and it saves some server load.


This template takes the same parameters as {{ambox}} and {{imbox}} etc. See full documentation there.

Some of the boxes this template calls only handles images of max 52px width, thus that limitation also applies to this template or you will get ugly padding problems.


This template optionally takes the "demospace" parameter as described at {{namespace detect}}. That parameter is only for testing and demonstration purposes. If you want to lock your message box to one style then instead use one of the other mboxes directly.

Namespace "Image:" was renamed to "File:" on 11 December 2008. This template was updated to understand both names well before that, thus it still works fine. For backwards compatibility it still understands "demospace = image" which means the same thing as "demospace = file". But using "demospace = image" is now deprecated.

Namespace "Book:" was added to the English Wikipedia on 28 December 2009. This template uses the {{ombox}} style on "Book:" pages or when "demospace=book". And it uses the {{tmbox}} style on "Book talk:" pages or when "demospace=talk". Note that "demospace=talk" means any talk space, there is no "demospace=book talk".


List of all parameters:

| demospace = {{{demospace|}}} / main / talk / file / category / other
| type  = speedy / delete / content / style / notice / move / protection
| image = none / [[File:Some image.svg|40px]]
| imageright = [[File:Some image.svg|40px]]
| style = CSS values
| textstyle  = CSS values
| text  = The message body text.
| small = {{{small|}}} / left / yes
| smallimage = none / [[Image:Some image.svg|30px]]
| smallimageright = none / [[Image:Some image.svg|30px]]
| smalltext  = A shorter message body text.

Note: The small parameters only have effect when the template is on an article, talk page or an "other" page. For documentation on the small parameters see {{ambox}}, {{tmbox}} and {{ombox}}. Using the small parameters when they are not valid has no effect, but also does no harm.

See also

Other page message box

This is the {{Ombox}} ([O]ther pages [m]essage [box]) metatemplate.

It is used to build message box templates for pages of the types User, Wikipedia, MediaWiki, Template, Help, Portal and any new future namespaces; i.e. for page types not covered by {{Ambox}}, {{Tmbox}}, {{Imbox}} or {{Cmbox}}. Thus, it should not be used for boxes for articles, talk pages, image pages or category pages.

This template works almost exactly like {{Ambox}} and uses the same parameters.


As noted above, this template should be used for message boxes that are not articles, talk pages, image pages or category pages. Some message boxes for other pages may incorrectly use one of those four mentioned. Feel free to convert any message boxes used on "other pages" to use this meta-template. If you find any tricky cases then list them on the talk page of this template and you'll get help.

When this template is used to build other pages message boxes those boxes should contain explanatory texts just like before. (The same texts as before or new improved texts.) If there are more specific images in the boxes or you know a better image, then use them instead of the default images shown here.


Simple usage example:

{{ombox | text = Some text.}}

Complex example:

| type      = style
| image     = [[Image:Emblem-question-yellow.svg|40px]]
| style     = width: 400px; 
| textstyle = color: red; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;
| text      = The message body text.
Other pages message box types

The following examples use different type parameters but use no image parameters; thus, they use the default images for each type.

Examples Some examples using the "notice" style:


List of all parameters:

| type  = speedy / delete / content / style / notice / move / protection
| image = none / [[Image:Some image.svg|40px]]
| imageright = [[Image:Some image.svg|40px]]
| style = CSS values
| textstyle = CSS values
| text  = The message body text. 
| small = {{{small|}}} / yes
| smallimage = none / [[Image:Some image.svg|30px]]
| smallimageright = none / [[Image:Some image.svg|30px]]
| smalltext  = A shorter message body text.


If no type parameter is given the template defaults to type notice. That means it gets a gray border.


No parameter = If no image parameter is given the template uses a default image. Which default image it uses depends on the type parameter.
An image = Should be an image with usual wiki notation. 40px - 50px width are usually about right depending on the image height to width ratio. (But the message box can handle images of any size.) For example:
image = [[Image:Crystal package settings.png|40px]]
none = Means that no image is used.


No parameter = If no imageright parameter is given then no image is shown on the right side.
An image = Should be an image with usual wiki notation. 40px - 50px width are usually about right depending on the image height to width ratio. (But the message box can handle images of any size.) For example:
imageright = [[Image:Nuvola apps bookcase.png|40px]]
Anything = Any other object that you want to show on the right side.


Optional CSS values used by the entire message box table. Without quotation marks " " but with the ending semicolons ;. For example:
style = margin-bottom: 0.5em;


Optional CSS values used by the text cell. For example:
textstyle = text-align: center;


The message body text.
The small parameters


yes = Makes it a smaller right floating message box. This also makes the default images smaller. Note that any data fed to the smallimage, smallimageright and smalltext parameters is only used if "small=yes". To make it so your template also understands the small parameter you can use this code:
small = {{{small|}}}


No parameter = If no smallimage parameter is given then this template falls back to use the image parameter. If the image parameter also is empty then a small default image is used.
An image = Should be an image with usual wiki notation. 30px width is usually about right. For example:
smallimage = [[Image:Replacement filing cabinet.svg|30px]]
none = Means that no image is used. This overrides any image fed to image, when "small=yes".


No parameter = If no smallimageright parameter is given then this template falls back to use the imageright parameter. If the imageright parameter also is empty then no image is shown on the right side.
An image = Should be an image with usual wiki notation. 30px width is usually about right. For example:
smallimageright = [[Image:Nuvola apps bookcase.png|30px]]
Anything = Any other object that you want to show on the right side.
none = Means that no right side image is used. This overrides any image fed to imageright, when "small=yes".


A shorter version of the message body text. If no smalltext parameter is given then this template falls back to use the text parameter.
Technical details

If you need to use special characters in the text parameter then you need to escape them like this:

| text  = <div>
Equal sign = and a start and end brace { } work fine as they are. 
But here is a pipe {{!}} and two end braces <nowiki>}}</nowiki>. 
And now a pipe and end braces <nowiki>|}}</nowiki>.

This template uses the ombox CSS classes in MediaWiki:Common.css for most of its looks, thus it is fully skinnable.

This template calls {{ombox/core}} which holds most of the code for {{ombox}}, while {{ombox}} itself does parameter preprocessing.

Internally this meta-template uses HTML markup instead of wiki markup for the table code. That is the usual way we make meta-templates since wiki markup has several drawbacks. For instance it makes it harder to use parser functions and special characters in parameters.

The default images for this meta-template are in png format instead of svg format. The main reason is that some older web browsers have trouble with the transparent background that MediaWiki renders for svg images. The png images here have hand optimised transparent background colour so they look good in all browsers. Note that svg icons only look somewhat bad in the old browsers, thus such hand optimisation is only worth the trouble for very widely used icons.

For more technical details see the talk page. Since this template works almost exactly like {{ambox}}, {{tmbox}}, {{imbox}} and {{cmbox}} their talk pages and related pages might also contain more details.

See also



This is the {{Outdated}} or Out-of-date content meta-template.


For out-of-date English content, writing {{Outdated}} creates...

For English pages that contain out-of-date information, simply add the template to the top of the page (or section if it only applies to part of the page). The template will be displayed as shown at the top of this page. You can also specify a reason:

{{Outdated|reason=MediaWiki doesn't run under XYZ Server anymore.}}

Which creates:

Out-of-date translations

For non-English pages that are out-of-date translations, include the name of the English-language page it was translated from. The resulting banner will include a link to the source text, like this:

{{Outdated|Page name}}
e.g. {{Outdated|Project:Language policy}}


See also




This is the {{Stub}} or Stubby McStubbin meta-template.

Use {{stub}} or {{Stub}} at the top of any page in need of additional outside information or revision (for incomplete pages not in need of outside information or revision, use {{WIP}} instead.

Sample output

See also




Table Draw


This is the {{tableDraw}} or Table draw meta-template. This template is used to create datatables populated by data gathered from pages using {{argbox}}, {{autoArgbox}}, or {{argHeader}}. The tables will automatically update based on data available to the page displayed. For example, adding a description or other additional data via an {{argbox}} or {{autoArgbox}} to a given page will cause tables showing data about that page to automatically display the new data the next time the page is viewed. It can be used to display data in one of two table formats, default and small.


Type {{tableDraw}} somewhere, with parameters as shown below.

Sample output
| pageFilter  = rootpage
| type        = Official
| nameFilter  = !~Waking Titan

Results in...

Name Status Creator Start Date Last Edited (UTC)
The Verne Club Active The Cabrera Brothers Company 2021-07-13 Apr 12 2022, 8:22:43 pm
Heartbound Active Pirate Software 2019-04-05 Jun 21 2019, 6:06:32 pm
Fortnite Active Epic Games 2018-06-30 Feb 25 2019, 1:07:48 pm
Cyberpunk 2077 Active CD PROJEKT RED 2018-06-10 Sep 13 2023, 12:45:21 pm
Accounting+ ARG Active Crows Crows Crows 2017-12-07 Apr 23 2020, 8:39:15 pm
Adult Swim ARG Active Adult Swim 2017-08-27 Apr 16 2020, 9:13:54 am
Oddworld: Soulstorm Active Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc 2016-12-22 Apr 26 2019, 10:04:09 pm
Inside ARG Active Playdead 2016-06-29 Jun 06 2019, 8:01:37 pm
Ultrakill Completed Hakita 2022-03-16 Mar 24 2023, 11:57:33 am
Runestone Basalt Completed Jagex 2022-01-19 Jun 02 2023, 7:11:11 pm
HELIOS Completed Alice & Smith and Twitch, Inc. 2021-12-05 Aug 03 2024, 2:18:46 am
Secret Project Completed Frictional Games 2020-01-23 Mar 15 2020, 8:57:53 pm
Blood For Trade Completed Alice & Smith & Paradox Interactive 2019-12-12 Dec 08 2021, 1:36:11 am
Cyrano Story Completed Alice & Smith & Funcom 2019-10-05 Dec 08 2021, 1:39:06 am
Nessy Completed Respawn Entertainment 2019-02-12 Feb 12 2019, 6:25:26 pm
Tender Completed Alice & Smith & Paradox Interactive 2019-01-19 Apr 05 2019, 6:54:40 pm
Solaris United Completed Digital Extremes 2018-10-23 Feb 20 2019, 9:55:41 pm
Game Theory ARG Completed Game Theory 2018-08-10 Mar 24 2023, 12:01:17 pm
Rasputin ARG Completed Bungie Entertainment 2018-05-08 Aug 20 2018, 9:46:26 pm
MonteCrypto Completed Concrete Games 2018-02-20 Mar 23 2019, 4:44:05 pm
TidalVortex Completed Alice & Smith 2017-12-19 Aug 20 2018, 9:59:50 pm
RainbowLeaks Completed Ubisoft 2017-11-20 Jul 07 2018, 3:58:05 pm
The Wilson Wolfe Affair Completed Simulacra Games 2017-10-19 Aug 24 2019, 8:13:40 pm
Mr. Robot ARG Completed NBC Universal 2017-09-28 Dec 08 2021, 1:34:09 am
Lucid Nightmare Completed Blizzard Entertainment 2017-08-30 Jul 07 2018, 3:58:26 pm
Layton World Completed Level-5 2017-06-20 Aug 26 2018, 7:09:33 pm
The Secret World Completed Alice & Smith & Funcom 2017-06-16 Jul 07 2018, 3:58:37 pm
Sun Darter Hatchling Completed Blizzard Entertainment 2017-06-16 Jul 07 2018, 3:58:41 pm
Killing Floor 2 Completed Tripwire Interactive 2017-04-21 Jul 07 2018, 3:58:46 pm
Battlefield 1 Completed DICE 2017-02-14 Oct 24 2018, 5:41:55 pm
Dawn Bloom Completed Alice & Smith & the Lovent Group 2016-12-24 Jul 07 2018, 3:58:56 pm
Long-Forgotten Hippogryph Completed Blizzard Entertainment 2016-09-01 Jul 07 2018, 3:59:02 pm
Sombra ARG Completed Blizzard Entertainment 2016-06-12 Sep 10 2020, 11:20:22 pm
Kill Your Internet Completed Camouflaj 2016-03-18 Jul 07 2018, 3:59:15 pm
Eye Sigil ARG Completed Twinbeard 2016-01-23 Apr 16 2024, 6:36:14 pm
Oxenfree Completed Night School Studio 2016-01-15 Jul 07 2018, 3:59:25 pm
Steam Winter 2015 Completed Valve 2015-12-22 Jul 07 2018, 3:59:30 pm
Afterbirth ARG Completed Edmund McMullen 2015-10-30 Jul 07 2018, 3:59:34 pm
Dr. Langeskov ARG Completed Crows Crows Crows 2015-10-19 Aug 25 2019, 3:59:20 pm
Frog Fractions 2 Completed Twinbeard 2014-03-10 Oct 23 2018, 3:33:14 am
PUBG Lore Discontinued Alice & Smith & PUBG 2020-10-07 Jul 22 2024, 11:41:44 pm
Call of Duty: WWII Discontinued Sledgehammer Games 2017-04-27 Mar 23 2019, 4:43:09 pm
Accounting+ ARG (ArgPopupContent


Status: Active
Created By: Crows Crows Crows
Discovered on: 7 December 2017

The Accounting+ ARG centers around a tadpole conspiracy.

), Adult Swim ARG (ArgPopupContent


Status: Active
Created By: Adult Swim
Discovered on: 27 August 2017

A series of ARG seasons aired during Adult Swim programming on US basic cable channel Cartoon Network

), Afterbirth ARG (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Edmund McMullen
Discovered on: 30 October 2015

An ARG hidden in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth expansion

), Battlefield 1 (ArgPopupContent

File:Bf1 An Omen.png

Status: Completed
Created By: DICE
Discovered on: 14 February 2017

The Battlefield 1 ARG -
Headphones and Morse code led to mysterious unlockable dog tags.

), Blood For Trade (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Alice & Smith
Discovered on: 12 December 2019

), Call of Duty: WWII (ArgPopupContent


Status: Discontinued
Created By: Sledgehammer Games
Discovered on: 27 April 2017

A little trail in a promotional image might lead to something wonderful...

), Cyberpunk 2077 (ArgPopupContent


Status: Active
Discovered on: 10 June 2018

A hacker at E3 2018 exposed a live website linked to upcoming release Cyberpunk 2077.

), Cyrano Story (ArgPopupContent

File: CyranoLogo.jpg

Status: Completed
Created By: Alice & Smith
Discovered on: 5 October 2019

An ARG created around the game Moons of Madness.

), Dawn Bloom (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Alice & Smith
Discovered on: 24 December 2016

The Dawn Bloom ARG is part of the Black Watchmen series of ARGs.

), Dr. Langeskov ARG (ArgPopupContent

File:Langeskov Logo.jpg

Status: Completed
Created By: Crows Crows Crows
Discovered on: 19 October 2015

An ARG that led to the release of Dr. Langeskov, the Tiger, and the Terribly Cursed Emerald

), Eye Sigil ARG (ArgPopupContent

File:Eye Sigil.png

Status: Completed
Created By: Twinbeard
Discovered on: 23 January 2016

The Eye ARG, also known as the Sigil or Eye Sigil ARG, lasted for nearly a year and spanned more than 25 seemingly unrelated indie games.

), Fortnite (ArgPopupContent


Status: Active
Created By: Epic Games
Discovered on: 30 June 2018

Artifacts from the hugely popular Fortnite are appearing in the real world.

), Frog Fractions 2 (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Twinbeard
Discovered on: 10 March 2014

The FF2 ARG began in March 2014, and its goal is the discovery of which game is secretly a sequel to Frog Fractions…

), Game Theory ARG (ArgPopupContent

File: Game Theory Logo.jpg

Status: Active
Created By: Game Theory
Discovered on: 10 August 2018

But hey, that's just an ARG. A Game Theory ARG!

), HELIOS (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Alice & Smith and Twitch, Inc.
Discovered on: 5 December 2021

The Department of Defense has declassified access via uplink to the DSCS 3 satellite. Good Luck and Godspeed.

), Heartbound (ArgPopupContent


Status: Active
Created By: Pirate Software
Discovered on: 5 April 2019

An ARG created around the game Heartbound.

), Inside ARG (ArgPopupContent

File:Inside logo.png

Status: Active
Created By: Playdead
Discovered on: 29 June 2016

The Inside ARG revolved around mysterious codes being printed and deciphered.

), Kill Your Internet (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Camouflaj
Discovered on: 18 March 2016

Kill Your Internet - an ARG that took place in the world of République.

), Killing Floor 2 (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Tripwire Interactive
Discovered on: 21 April 2017

A set of Killing Floor 2 Puzzles - also known as "From a Friend".

), Layton World (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Level-5
Discovered on: 20 June 2017

Layton World: A puzzle trail with over 50 different puzzles scattered across the world between June 20th and September 21st, that is based on the new upcoming Professor Layton game!

), Local 58 (ArgPopupContent


Status: Discontinued
Created By: Kris Straub
Discovered on: 13 September 2021

A website for the webseries Local58

), Long-Forgotten Hippogryph (ArgPopupContent

File:LFH Mount.jpg

Status: Completed
Created By: Blizzard Entertainment
Discovered on: 1 September 2016

The Long-Forgotten Hippogryph is a secret mount hidden in World of Warcraft, obtained by locating 5 Ephemeral Crystals.

), Lucid Nightmare (ArgPopupContent

File:LN Logo.jpg

Status: Completed
Created By: Blizzard Entertainment
Discovered on: 30 August 2017

Lucid Nightmare is a secret mount hidden in World of Warcraft, which is unlocked by solving a variety of puzzles.

), MonteCrypto (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Concrete Games
Discovered on: 20 February 2018

24 enigmas leading to a prize of 1 BTC.

), Mr. Robot ARG (ArgPopupContent


Status: Active
Created By: NBC Universal
Discovered on: 28 September 2017

An ARG set in the universe of Mr. Robot.

), Nessy (ArgPopupContent

Image:Nessy doll.PNG

Status: Completed
Created By: Respawn Entertainment
Discovered on: 12 February 2019

), Oddworld: Soulstorm (ArgPopupContent


Status: Active
Created By: Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc
Discovered on: 22 December 2016

Oddworld: Soulstorm - An ARG centered around lore from the Oddworld universe linked to the currently unreleased game Oddworld: Soulstorm

), Oxenfree (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Night School Studio
Discovered on: 15 January 2016

The Oxenfree ARG had an emphasis on radio frequencies and morse code.

), PUBG Lore (ArgPopupContent


Status: Abandoned
Created By: Alice & Smith & PUBG
Discovered on: 7 October 2020

), RainbowLeaks (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Ubisoft
Discovered on: 20 November 2017

A website called RainbowLeaks, linked to Rainbow Six: Siege.

), Rasputin ARG (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Bungie Entertainment
Discovered on: 8 May 2018

The Rasputin Chamber Puzzle ARG - an ARG involving an in-game Rasputin and out of game items.

), Runestone Basalt (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Jagex
Discovered on: 19 January 2022

Secret messages have been discovered in Old School RuneScape.

), Secret Project (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Frictional Games
Discovered on: 23 January 2020

), Solaris United (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Digital Extremes
Discovered on: 23 October 2018

A potential ARG for the upcoming Warframe update, Fortuna

), Sombra ARG (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Blizzard Entertainment
Discovered on: 12 June 2016

The Sombra ARG - an ARG involving an unreleased Overwatch hero.

), Steam Winter 2015 (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Valve
Discovered on: 22 December 2015

AKA North Pole Noire

), Sun Darter Hatchling (ArgPopupContent

File:SDH Logo.jpg

Status: Completed
Created By: Blizzard Entertainment
Discovered on: 16 June 2017

The Sun Darter Hatchling is a secret pet hidden in World of Warcraft, in the back of a mysterious cavern.

), Tender (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Alice & Smith
Discovered on: 19 January 2019

Tender was an ARG which led towards the reveal of Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2

), The Secret World (ArgPopupContent

File:TSWL BG Image.jpg

Status: Completed
Created By: Alice & Smith
Discovered on: 16 June 2017

The Secret World: Legends puzzle trail, also known as "Kiss of the Revenant".

), The Verne Club (ArgPopupContent


Status: Active
Created By: The Cabrera Brothers Company
Discovered on: 13 July 2021

Uncovering the mystery of the Verne Club.

), The Wilson Wolfe Affair (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Simulacra Games
Discovered on: 19 October 2017

A mad scientist's affairs aren't many people's concern...

), TidalVortex (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Alice & Smith
Discovered on: 19 December 2017

Live event 14 of The Black Watchmen, involving the long lost mysterious figure Whitechapel.

), Ultrakill (ArgPopupContent


Status: Completed
Created By: Hakita
Discovered on: 16 March 2022

), Waking Titan (ArgPopupContent

File:Project WT logo.png

Status: Completed
Created By: Alice & Smith
Discovered on: 28 May 2017

Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the Atlas Rises and NEXT updates for No Man's Sky.

| tableType   = small
| nameFilter  = ~*Waking Titan*
| pageFilter  = subpage

Results in...

Name Description Last Edited
Waking Titan/Summary A website with 16 radio stations, which may be leading to something more. Jun 23 2018, 6:03:15 pm UTC
Waking Titan/Phase 6 Phase 6 of Waking Titan was on 2018-07-20. Mar 16 2019, 1:50:03 pm UTC
Waking Titan/Phase 5/Dreamers/231187661T Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the Atlas Rises and NEXT updates for No Man's Sky. Mar 16 2019, 1:47:18 pm UTC
Waking Titan/Phase 5 Phase 5 of Waking Titan lasted from 2018-06-01 to 2018-07-20. Jun 16 2019, 8:50:19 am UTC
Waking Titan/Phase 4 Phase 4 of Waking Titan lasted from 2017-12-28 to 2018-06-01. Jun 16 2019, 8:48:29 am UTC
Waking Titan/Phase 3 Phase 3 of Waking Titan lasted from 2017-08-05 to 2017-08-07. Jul 07 2018, 3:55:37 pm UTC
Waking Titan/Phase 2 Phase 2 of Waking Titan lasted from 2017-07-21 to 2017-08-05. Jul 07 2018, 3:55:32 pm UTC
Waking Titan/Phase 1 Phase 1 of Waking Titan lasted from 2017-05-28 to 2017-07-08. Jul 07 2018, 3:55:27 pm UTC
Waking Titan/Console Commands Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the Atlas Rises and NEXT updates for No Man's Sky. Feb 26 2019, 12:51:36 pm UTC
Waking Titan/Companies Waking Titan was an ARG which led towards the Atlas Rises and NEXT updates for No Man's Sky. Mar 14 2019, 3:14:46 pm UTC

Parameter Description Default Accepted Values Type Status
tableType controls the format of the table default default or small String Optional
pageFilter defines the page type of pages returned subpage or rootpage String Optional
type defines the type of pages returned Official, Unofficial, or Investigation String Optional
cat defines the category of page returned any valid category name, ie Waking Titan, Official, etc String Optional
nameFilter defines an string with optional comparators which returned page names will be compared to string with or without comparators, ie ~Waking Titan, ~Waking Titan*, Frog Fractions 2 String with optional comparators Optional





Used to create an update box with dynamic content on a given page, as well as assign the page to relevant categories.

See also

Work in progress


This is the {{WIP}} or Work in progress meta-template.

Use {{WIP}} at the bottom of any page or sub-page which is incomplete or being updated on an on-going basis.

Sample output