From Game Detectives Wiki
Pages using the property "ArgDescription"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
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76543 + | A rabbit hole of puzzles across the GameDetectives community. + |
A | |
ARGvent + | Let it snow puzzles! + |
Accounting+ ARG + | The Accounting+ ARG centers around a tadpole conspiracy. + |
Adult Swim ARG + | A series of ARG seasons aired during Adult Swim programming on US basic cable channel Cartoon Network + |
Adult Swim ARG/Timeline + | A series of ARG seasons aired during Adult Swim programming on US basic cable channel Cartoon Network + |
Afterbirth ARG + | An ARG hidden in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth expansion + |
Afterbirth+ ARG + | An ARG hidden in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ expansion + |
April Fools + | A funny joke, it's just a prank. + |
Arc Symphony + | Arc Symphony was a PS1 game by Aether Interactive that has suddenly popped up in 2017. + |
Argbox + | This it the description of an arg, I somehow forgot about it + |
Argbox/doc + | This it the description of an arg, I somehow forgot about it + |
AutoArgbox + | none + |
B | |
Banojxot Xuh + | 15-6-17 + |
Battlefield 1 + | The Battlefield 1 ARG - <br> Headphones and Morse code led to mysterious unlockable dog tags. + |
Battlefield 1/Balloon House + | The Battlefield 1 Balloon House Easter Egg - <br> A reference to the movie Up. + |
Battlefield 1/Megalodon + | The Battlefield 1 Megalodon Easter Egg - <br> A shark on Fort de Vaux. + |
Battlefield 1/Miscellaneous Easter Eggs + | The Battlefield 1 ARG - <br> Headphones and Morse code led to mysterious unlockable dog tags. + |
Black Mesa + | An ARG set in the Half-Life universe. + |
Blacksite + | Following the Danger Zone update, a secret was found within the Blacksite. + |
Blood For Trade + | https://www.bloodfortrade.com/ + |
Bradwell Electronics + | Better. Brighter. For everyone. + |
C | |
Call of Duty: WWII + | A little trail in a promotional image might lead to something wonderful... + |
Chrono.gg ARG + | The Chrono.gg ARG involved a bunch of coin-related puzzles spread across various sites. + |
Corporate Warfare + | An ARG based around factions of the game NeuroSlicers. + |
Corvus + | It's stars, you fools. + |